Category: Politics

Stacey Abrams Files to Run for Governor in 2018

Yesterday, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported that House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams filed paperwork to run for governor. Although she has not yet announced her run, her filing makes it all but certain that she will be the first Democrat to join the 2018 contest. If she receives the Democratic nomination, Abrams will be the

New Handel Ad in #GA6 – Her Story

Karen Handel has released a new campaign ad that shares her personal story. She relates how her experiences can help her better serve the constituents of GA-6. Handel: “Leaving a troubled home at 17 wasn’t easy but it shaped me into the person I am proud to be today. Working part time job on top

The Two Georgias Are Now Five Georgias

This week’s Courier Herald column: This is the second in a series. The introductory column can be found here. During the 1980’s, the Director of Georgia’s Cooperative Extension Service Tal DuVall published a study on “Two Georgias”, highlighting the growing disparity between a prosperous and growing metro Atlanta, and a mostly rural “other Georgia”. It

Identity Games at Atlanta United

I walked into the cheering section of Bobby Dodd stadium Sunday for the Atlanta United game with Lil’ Yachty on my mind. Someone brought a flag with a giant Yachty head on it to the last game, a stylized emoji silhouette with the teenage Atlanta rapper’s bright red braids behind goal. I stood, agog, looking

Morning Reads — Monday, May 1

Happy May, everyone! I hope you have a great week. State Mapping Atlanta’s 10 tallest buildings. Side note: Few things irritates me more than national media writing stories on local elections.   Casey Cagle is like Oprah, but with jobs. Repairing I-85 isn’t easy. If this were me, then I would still wake up early to write

Georgia Chamber Endorses Kirkpatrick in SD 32 Runoff

The Georgia Chamber of Commerce is endorsing Kay Kirkpatrick in the May 16 runoff for State Senate District 32. Senior Vice President David Raynor gave Kirkpatrick his full support, saying, “With big challenges facing our state, it is vital we have members in the Georgia General Assembly who understand the need for state policies that