Category: Politics

For Ag Secretary Nominee Sonny Perdue, It’s “Hurry Up And Wait”

It’s been 11 weeks since President Donald Trump nominated former Governor Sonny Perdue to lead the federal Agriculture Department.  As the AJC points out in today’s article, the former Governor was the last nominee appointed to fill Trump’s cabinet.  Delays, including a paperwork mishap, have pushed back the confirmation vote by the US Senate, and

Governor Deal Weighs In On Senate District 32 Election

Governor Deal has decided to endorse in the Special Election to replace Judson Hill in the State Senate. The Governor’s choice is Gus Makris. From a press release: “Gus Makris is the Republican Leader and Conservative Reformer that Senate District 32 deserves. His desire to use conservative principles in order to reduce poverty, improve our

New Entrant For Secretary Of State

With last weekend’s announcement from Brian Kemp that he would abandon his quest to become a competent Secretary of State and instead run for Governor in 2018, speculation swirled at Republican gatherings over who would compete with State Rep. Buzz Brockway for the SOS post. One of those rumors has proven true with the announcement

Hell Burns Hotter Than The I-85 Fire

A reporter asked Georgia Department of Transportation commissioner Russell McMurry if the homeless guy charged with arson, Basil Eleby, is a scapegoat. “I won’t speculate on what people call the person who caused this fire,” McMurry said. Note the phrasing. Eleby caused the fire. Not GDOT. GDOT did nothing wrong. That’s the line. When the

Congressman Ferguson to Host Job Fair in GA-3

In a press announcement released today, Congressman Drew Ferguson of Georgia’s 3rd announced a Job Fair in LaGrange on April 13, 2017. According to the Congressman’s communication director, Amy Timmerman, the information has been shared over 500 times on Facebook. After a little checking on Facebook, I found updated numbers at more than 600 shares and dozens

Bob Gray, the MDJ, and the PTA

Bob Gray, who claims to be the swamp drainiest candidate among all the Republicans running for CD 6, was first elected to the Johns Creek City Council in July, 2014. Johns Creek was incorporated in 2006, and Gray came on board as the city was reducing its reliance on CH2M, which (if you’re a municipal government type of

New GOP Poll Shows Ossoff Declining in Support

The Washington Examiner, using information from a Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) letter to its donors, is reporting that Jon Ossoff’s campaign has taken a signficant hit since the CLF began running its $2.2 million ad buy. The memo states that “in just one week, Ossoff has stalled on the ballot, and most importantly, he is