Category: Politics

Jon Richards, Saving Us From Ourselves

Last month, during the flap over Elizabeth Warren’s speech about Jeff Sessions, Marco Rubio took to the Senate floor in defense of civility. “I am just telling you that if this body loses the ability to have those sorts of debate, then where in this country is that going to happen?” he said. “What other

Morning Reads – Monday, March 27

It’s with a heavy heart that I wish everyone a happy Monday. Despite the gloomy storm we at GeorgiaPol are withstanding, the show must go on. Jon pumped his heart and mind into keeping you informed on Georgia’s political happenings. It’s with that in mind that we will strive to do better. State Is white

Jon Richards: 61 Years Young

Jonathan Blair Richards, (November 27th, 1955-March 26, 2017) died today after a brief battle with cancer. In this overview of his life we ask that you not focus on the years cut short, but the fact that Jon made the most of the years he had with us. Jon was born the son of the

Cove’s Law to be Considered Today in the Senate

The Senate is set to consider Cove’s Law (HB241) today. The legislation seeks to provide an option, but not a mandate, for parents to screen their newborn for Krabbe Disease at a cost to the parents of between $3-5. The proposed legislation is named after Cove Marie Ellis. She was diagnosed with Krabbe Disease in February, 2016

Guest Post – Optometrists in Favor of SB 153

The Georgia House is scheduled to take up Senate Bill 153 tomorrow, Friday, March 24. The bill would allow licensed optometrists in Georgia to use specific injections to treat eye diseases and conditions for their patients. Dr. Benjamin Casella, President of the Georgia Optometric Association, has provided the following guest post in support of the legislation. Headline: