Category: Politics

Senator Perdue Cosponsors Cyber Scholarship

Georgia is getting serious about training students for careers in cyber security. In January, Governor Nathan Deal announced a $50 million investment in the FY2017 amended budget for the Georgia Cyber Innovation and Training Facility in Augusta. The new center will complement the U.S. Army Cyber Center for Excellence at Fort Gordon, which has been

Morning Reads — Monday, March 20

Happy Monday, y’all. I hope your liver is sufficiently recovered from then weekend’s shenanigans. Your dignity, well, that’s probably long gone. State White pastors apologize for the church’s silence on lynchings. Georgia, but in 1987. A Hall County middle school teacher was arrested for possession of $6 million worth of drugs. Why is Georgia filled with

Stonecrest Election Gets Dirty In Last Days

Elections for the new city of Stonecrest started off with a curious, interesting dispute over the age of a city council candidate, and have devolved over time into one of the ugliest political races DeKalb County has had in quite a while. And yes, that’s saying something. Mystery mailers — a staple of DeKalb politics

#GAGOP County Convention Roundup: Part 2

Today is the day when the counties who didn’t host their county conventions earlier to hold them.  With the train wreck change in leadership in the Cobb County GOP last weekend, we’ll see what today holds.  To those who will be attending today’s precinct mass meetings (those under 80K, like my home county of Walker,

Judson Hill Calls Out Bob Gray and Dan Moody in #GA6 Race

From a press release (with some added emphasis) from the Judson Hill campaign entitled “Judson Hill calls on City Councilman Bob Gray to immediately address the late breaking ‘False Prophet’ charge:” Judson Hill has called on City Councilman Bob Gray to immediately address the late breaking ‘False Prophet’ charge and, with certifiable documentation, prove it

Amy Kremer’s Campaign Staff Quits

Amy Kremer, a Republican candidate for Congress in Georgia’s 6th district and a person with whom I share no relation, has a little problem. Her entire campaign staff quit. But why? Because of another little problem: She isn’t raising enough money to have a campaign staff. Her former campaign manager sent out the following press

Morning Reads for Friday, March 17, 2017

Everybody’s Irish today! Get your Irish on in the ATL today. Finally. But there’s still plenty of time to screw it up. Heaven forbid. How do YOU say it? Dolly Parton keeping her word. Say it ain’t so! Final destination. Good grief. Good Grief, Part II. No matter what you think, you’re a racist. That