Category: Politics

Bullies under the Gold Dome?

According to a report by the AJC’s Greg Bluestein, a state rep from North Georgia was threatened by Governor Deal’s top aide. Representative Matt Gurtler (R-Tiger) said the threat was a loss of funding to his district by Chris Riley. “I am appalled by Mr. Riley’s actions of intimidation and bullying tactics of an elected official”,

#GAGOP Over 80K Precinct Mass Meetings Today

Today begins the process for a lot of folks for the 2017 Georgia Republican Party convention cycle. It’s the Saturday where “most” counties with 80,000+ populations hold precinct mass meetings at 10a. I say most because counties, like Gwinnett, petitioned the state GOP to move the date of their mass meetings to a day and

And It’s Off To The Race…

The upcoming special election to fill Tom Price’s now vacated 6th Congressional seat can now begin in earnest. The free-for-all has been scheduled. Governor Deal has issued the call for an election, and qualifying will be Monday, Feb. 13  through Wednesday, Feb. 15. The Special Election will be Tuesday, April 18, with the runoff scheduled for

DPG Chair DuBose Porter on Sec. Price’s Confirmation

DuBose Porter, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Georgia, released the following statement in response to the confirmation of Rep. Tom Price as HHS Secretary: “Republicans just doubled-down on their promise to privatize Medicare and dismantle the Affordable Care Act. This founding member of the Tea Party Caucus—who is also associated with one of the most

Settlement Slush Funds

In an op-ed piece that appeared in yesterday’s The Hill, Georgia’s 9th District Congressman Doug Collins decried the actions of Federal Agencies reaching settlements in ongoing litigation and then funneling much of the settlement to entities other than those directly harmed by the wrong doing. In making his case for the Stop Settlements Slush Fund

City of Atlanta, Rampant Speculation Edition

There’s a 1.3 million-page document dump scheduled today at Atlanta City Hall, and a second contractor has been charged with paying city officials to win city contracts, aka, bribery. “Charles P. Richards Jr., the owner of a Lithonia construction company, was led into federal court in handcuffs and leg irons to be arraigned in the

Morning Reads – January 9, 2017

On this date in 1825, the U.S. House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams president after no candidate received a majority of electoral votes. In the legislature House bills passed yesterday. House bills on the floor today. Senate bills on the floor today: HB 43 (Amended budget) SB 48 – Hunting/Fishing and SB 52 –

The Case for Tom Price, MD

Being the head of a federal agency is a different thing than having experience in what that agency is supposed to regulate or manage. It’s not a requirement, but it’s usually a good thing, and one reason why Rep. Tom Price (currently my congressman) should be confirmed as secretary of Health and Human Services -and