Category: Politics

DeVos Confirmed – Isakson Statement

There is much rending of the garments and gnashing of the teeth by liberals, teachers’ unions and educrats everywhere, as Betsy DeVos was confirmed by a vote of 51-50 to be the new Secretary of the Department of Education. Senator Johnny Isakson was one of the 51, and issued the following: “Last year, Congress worked

A New Day In (and for) DeKalb County

DeKalb’s new District Attorney Sherry Boston isn’t going to prosecute former CEO Burrell Ellis for a third time, and this is a good thing. Mark Niesse has a pretty good summary in the AJC: “A jury had found Ellis guilty in July 2015 of trying to shake down a contractor for campaign contributions, but the state’s highest

Falcons Gripe Fest: OPEN THREAD

Look Charlie’s being the better man today. Put it in perspective, regroup, and move on. I get that, and appreciate his maturity. He’s right, and I’m all for moving on -but we need a minute to grieve. Here’s your opportunity. They might have given up 33 points in the last quarter, (HOW DOES A TEAM DO

Fond Falcons Memories, Rise Up!

Today brings back so many great memories from 5 decades of Atlanta Falcons football. I was lucky as a kid having a grandfather who gave me most of his Club Level season tickets every year to attend games at AFC Stadium with my dad and his customers/friends. We tailgated, froze our asses off a few

Sen. Perdue Supports DeVos Nomination

U.S. Senator David Perdue issued a statement today in support of the nomination of Besty DeVos for Secretary of Education. It would be an understatement to say that DeVos has one of the most difficult paths to securing a position in President Trump’s administration. Sen. Perdue: “Both of my parents were school teachers and education

Morning Reads for Friday, February 3, 2017

Today is FALCONS FRIDAY! All that smack talk from Patriots fans. And it’s all wrong. A little background on everyone’s favorite rookie. Sadness. Like many others sick of the insanity, Iowahawk is leaving social media. Facebook, RIP. If you can. Nerd stuff. Fireman and Boston Marathon survivor he saved to tie the knot. And from

Collins appointed Sub-Committee Chair

Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX), Chairman of the House Committee on Rules, announced the selection of Georgia’s 9th District Congressman Doug Collins as Chair of the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House. In announcing the appointment Chairman Sessions said: I am proud to have such a hard-working member of our team and have no doubt

Gwinnett Democrats Need Your Help

Via email came this: That took me to this “two-question survey,” which asked  “1. If you arrived at a polling place and found out what the wait time is, which one of these wait times would keep you from getting in line to wait to vote.  *1. IF YOU ARRIVED AT A POLLING PLACE AND