Category: Politics

Another Candidate For Georgia’s 6th CD

Bob Gray has announced that he will seek to replace Tom Price in Congress. While the full release is below, please take note of the accompanying endorsement of Gray by State Rep. Brad Raffensperger (R-Johns Creek). “Having first met at Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church, Tricia and I have known Bob and Susanne for 15 years

Morning Reads — Sick Edition

It’s unbelievable how many people have the flu this year. Remember to get a flu shot and to wash your hands. You don’t want to end up like me right now. A hospital that helped South Georgia tornado victims faces shutdown. HB 146, a bill that would help firefighters with cancer, was dropped. Governor Deal

How Do Protests Work?

This is a serious question, for serious times. How is a protest planned from 4-6 pm today at Hartsfield-Jackson going to change Trump’s executive order? I get that the EO has offended many people. It’s not, though, unconstitutional, and it’s not without precedent -President Obama blocked all refugees from Iraq in 2011, never let nearly

“Stand on Principle, even if you stand alone.” John Adams

As Charlie noted in his post on the supplemental budget there was a lone “no” vote from freshman Representative Matt Gurtler (R-Clayton). In the Representative’s own words in explaining his vote his constituents Gurtler stated: Fundamentally I believe that government has no business meddling in the private sector, via subsidies. Governments sole purpose is to protect

House Passes Amended 2017 Budget

Yesterday the House passed the Amended Budget for 2017. Recall that the Georgia Fiscal Year runs from July 1 to June 30th, so the budget passed each year during session is for the “next” year. The “big budget” that will be passed later this session will be for FY 2018. As part of the process,

Reed: Trump’s Immigration Executive Order “Promotes Dangerous Policy”

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed didn’t mince any words when slamming President Trump’s sanctuary city Executive Order. Reed said the order to halt federal funds to cities that don’t spend resources finding and detaining undocumented citizens “violates the principals of the Constitution.”*^ In a statement, Reed added: Atlanta is the leading cultural and economic center of

Atlanta Mayor’s Race Promises A Brawl

By Jim Galloway’s reckoning, the eight campaigns gearing up for Atlanta’s Mayor’s race later this year promise a boisterous slugfest. In the Political Insider, Galloway describes a “beauty pageant” hosted by the Buckhead Coalition during which the candidates had a chance to prove to donors which ones of them should be taken seriously. Galloway provided