Category: Politics

Cook County Relief Efforts Underway

Much of over coverage here of current storms has been on Albany. They were already reeling from storms on January 2nd that left 32 square miles of damage before the additional tornado this weekend brought even more damage and death to their community. Cook County Georgia took a big hit as well, in and around

Morning Reads – Thursday, January 26, 2017

On this date in 1998, then-President Bill Clinton uttered the words, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” REST IN PEACE Mary Tyler Moore Peaches The ‘hospital bed tax’ has a new name Democrat agenda in the state house is a 35-bill initiative  President Trump can scratch Georgia off the list.

DeKalb Struggles to End Era of Scandal

Michael Thurmond is the DeKalb’s new CEO. Sherry Boston, the new District Attorney. Donna Coleman-Stribling is the new Solicitor. Greg Adams is the new Commissioner in (Super) District 7, and Steve Bradshaw defeated Sharon Barnes-Sutton in District 4 last July. With all those newly-elected officials, DeKalb looked like a county ready to put years of scrutiny

Morning Reads for Wednesday, January 25th

Good morning. Here’s a song. Georgia 15 dead in Albany, despite the courageous efforts of first responders One last piece of awful news Who am I kidding? In the meantime, drown your sorrows in the least depressing place on Earth- a casino! Georgia legal! Maybe. Probably. NFL jackwagons won’t let Mayor Reed show the Superb

Deal, Cagle, and Ralston Addressed Priorities at GMA Breakfast

Yesterday, Governor Nathan Deal, Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle, and House Speaker David Ralston all spoke to municipal elected officials and city staff at the Georgia Municipal Association’s annual Mayor’s Day breakfast in downtown Atlanta. Highlights! Governor Nathan Deal Last May, Governor Deal vetoed HB 216, which would have granted workers’ compensation to firefighters diagnosed with

Lottery Math and Political Calculus

From an announcement today: Seeking more money for HOPE scholarships and pre-K funding, Lt. Governor Casey Cagle and Senate Majority Leader Bill Cowsert (R-Athens) have announced legislation they hope will ensure that pre-K and higher-education for children and young adults is funded at the highest possible level. Essentially, they’re proposing to raise the payout percentage

Rep. Bishop On District Devastation

Please note the phone numbers (at the bottom of this statement) for anyone needing assistance with federal agencies.  Today, Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-02) released the following statement regarding last night’s storms and tornadoes in Southwest and Middle Georgia: “The storms and tornadoes that struck Albany and the rest of the Southwest and Middle

Who Is The Embarrassment Again?

Millions of women held a March on Washington all over the world Saturday, even in exotic, faraway places like Antarctica and Augusta, Georgia. The marches were nominally about womens’ rights, but supporters of any gender or cause were welcome to share the camaraderie and unity of opposing the Trump presidency and making the world a

Morning Reads — Rise Up Out Of Bed Edition

Did you hear? We have a new president. Just in case you haven’t heard. It’s a pretty big deal. Jimmy Carter, at 92, was just on the video board yelling, "Rise Up." — Jeff Schultz (@JeffSchultzAJC) January 22, 2017 President Trump sings the praises of Gov Perdue. The Republican Obamacare replacement would convert Medicaid to

This “News” Report is Bananas

I like to think of myself as a critical thinker with reasonable intelligence and a decent vocabulary, but lately, the best adjectives I can conjure to describe many recent events that range from fake news to allegations of sullied mattresses at the Moscow Ritz are “bonkers,” and “bananas.” The months following November’s presidential election have been a litany of