Category: Politics

Morning Reads for January 18, 2017

What if I told you on Friday the office is getting lunch. Instead of ordering what most of the office wanted, the minority choice would be ordered. You’d be pretty upset, huh? “Jupiter” by C Duncan. NYT takes in-depth look at new Falcons’ stadium redevelopment.  Former Klan Grand Dragon asks King family for forgiveness.  GSU

Why You Can’t Believe CNN

Manu Raju, CNN’s Senior Political Reporter, is a fabulist spreading lies about Rep. Tom Price. Here’s Raju’s work: “Rep. Tom Price last year purchased shares in a medical device manufacturer days before introducing legislation that would have directly benefited the company, raising new ethics concerns for President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Health and Human Services

Georgia Spreading The High Tech Wealth

This week’s Courier Herald column: Governor Nathan Deal used his State of the State address last week to highlight a new Georgia Cyber Innovation and Training Center to be built in Augusta. The center will be developed and operated in conjunction with the U.S. Army’s Cyber Command at Fort Gordon, Augusta University, and private sector

Governor Deal, Autism Advocate

Governor Deal signed Ava’s Law, which requires insurance coverage for several treatment methods used to treat autism in children, in April 2015. Like the medical cannabis issue, autism advocates worked tirelessly for years to achieve their goal, and Ava’s Law was a victory after a bruising session in 2014. The conversation about autism coverage is far from over,

Are We To Perish As Fools?

My weekly column will appear tomorrow at 10am. Today is a holiday. It’s the day we set aside to honor Dr. Martin Luther King. I’m not sure we’re doing that these days. By “these days” I’ll specifically refer to this weekend. After more than a year of a divisive election, we as a country seem