Category: Politics

Morning Reads For A Sad Week

Be honest: how many of you have gone into work today/yesterday saying “only XX more decades until retirement”? “You’re No Good” by Ken Boothe. Atlanta’s warmest year “certainly consistent with climate change.”  John Lewis: I will protest you for protesting against my protest. Is it time for a Michael Vick forgiveness?  The ACC was the

David Perdue Added to Armed Service, Banking Committees, Keeps Agriculture and Budget Assignments

Republicans announced the Senate committee assignments on Tuesday and David Perdue was a winner. He picked up a seat on the Armed Service and Banking committees–both quite powerful committees. Perdue dropped his Aging, Foreign Relations and Judiciary committee assignments for his new posts. He will continue to serve as a member of the Agriculture and Banking

Rural Broadband service complaints

Not surprisingly the legislature’s study committee on rural broadband is receiving complaints about the lack of quality service throughout the state. After a series of six hearings across the state and thousands of responses to an online survey, the committee has a number of recommendations that could become legislation in the upcoming session. Maggie Lee

The 100 Most Influential Georgians

Every list creates controversy -that’s kind of what they’re for- but Georgia Trend has been compiling the list of the 100 Most Influential Georgians for nearly 20 years. This year, the writers at GT “…have included many of the usual suspects – politicians, CEOs, college presidents – but we’ve also added a number of new

New Year, New Resolve

This week’s Courier Herald column: As our new year begins in Georgia, political optimism for many is fueled by the fact that a state governed by Republicans now has a White House and Congress controlled by Republicans. Well, optimism for many Republicans anyway. More than a few Democrats are still somewhere between pretending 2016 was

Morning Reads for Tuesday, January 3

Good morning! I’m fresh off of a(nother) long car trip, and once again, it’s time to ease yourself back into reality – although, unlike last Tuesday’s mid-holiday fugue, this time, it’s for keeps. In what seems like a borrowed page from the Georgia Legislature’s playbook (cough*JQC*cough), House Republicans voted last night to kill the Office of Congressional

New Year, Same Morning Reads

Happy 2017! Let’s make this year better than last. State Lawmakers are identifying new avenues to fix failing schools. A Waffle House waitress was fired for shooting at three robbers. The Democratic Party of Georgia sounds like my family reunions: nasty, frustrating, and potentially inbred. The top political questions for 2017. Austin Chambers: A Georgia boy heading

Morning Reads for Friday, December 30, 2016

2016, be gone! Like most of my geeky friends, my heart is broken. Everyone should read this. Food for thought. Different strokes for different folks. Or something. ESPN ratings tank. Wonder why… They didn’t just fade away. They traveled discreetly, bringing earth from their native land in coffins, hid in the shadows and bided their

Big Changes At the Legislature?

Greg Bluestein has written up some of the proposed rule changes drafted by a panel of Georgia State Senators recently, and notes that, if adopted, they could change the pace and structure of the General Assembly. Among the ideas: Earlier Crossover Day  – To be considered, a bill has to pass either the House or