Category: Politics

Morning Reads – Thursday, December 29, 2016

Following 36 years of publication, the last weekly issue of “LIFE” magazine hit the newsstands. The magazine later became a monthly publication on this date in 1972. Peaches Byron police receive $22,500 for ‘seat belt convincer’ School bookkeeper under investigation over missing money HOA’s continue to be the blemish of society Growing Georgia the right

Q: Shenanigans or Incompetence? A: Yes.

UPDATE: Those rascally vote-suppressors at the AJC have now gotten in on the act! Check out this “typo” in their Morning Jolt!   Original Post: Georgia Republicans are routinely accused of campaign shenanigans, particularly of trying to depress voter turnout. Any Republican political consultant will tell you though, there’s really no way to do that,

Morning Reads With the Best Gift of All

The best gift being my Morning Reads of course. “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve” by Lou Rawls. Congressional Republicans tackling the major issues of the day propose John-Lewis-inspired rule change.  2016 was good to someone–namely the Georgia ports. Isakson thinks congress needs to use existing mechanisms to investigate election claims first. But at

Morning Reads for Tuesday, December 27

Good morning! Tonight is the fourth night of Hanukkah, so take a moment to enjoy last year’s Tiny Desk Concert featuring Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings performing “8 Days (of Hanukkah).” It’s a spectacular song, and while we lost Sharon Jones earlier this year (enough, 2016!), her joy is transformative – and may be the

All I Want For 2022 Is A New Congressional District

It’s no surprise that Georgia is growing.  Businesses are moving here, jobs are being created, and new neighborhoods are popping up around the Atlanta metro area. The Chattanooga Times-Free Press has an article that outlays the growth in our state and compares to others and the nation. Georgia’s has grown by 6.4%, meaning an additional

Fireworks Legal Again In Georgia

Just in time for New Year’s, or perhaps for overly festive Christmas dinners, it’s OK again to blow up fireworks as part of your holiday festivities. On November 14th, the Governor issued an executive order banning the use of fireworks due to excessive drought in much of Georgia. Since then, rains have finally begun to

Chuck Payne Receives Big Name Endorsements In SD-54 Race

As the runoff heats up between Republican Chuck Payne and independent (but who will probably caucus with Democrats if elected) Debby Peppers, Chuck has picked up some big name endorsements to add to the bill in addition to former Congressman Jack Kingston and 9th District Congressman Doug Collins. Chuck has recently picked up an endorsement

GeorgiaPol Road Show — Wild Hog Supper Edition

As tradition dictates, GeorgiaPol is hosting its annual Wild Hog Road Show. Join Dear Leader Charlie Harper, our editors, and our contributors for a celebration before the Georgia General Assembly convenes the following day. Topics that are off-limits: My attire at last year’s road show, my attire at this year’s road show, and the impending