Category: Politics

This Gregory Adams Is Good, Too.

In the coming Age of Trump, local politics will matter more than ever. It’s been a couple of weeks since the DeKalb county commission race ended for me, and I’ve had some time to process what happened and where to go from here. Gregory Adams, a police officer will face Randal Mangham, an attorney and

Congressman Collins delivers GOP Weekly Address

9th District Congressman & Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference Doug Collins delivered the weekly address for Thanksgiving. In his remarks he thanked our military for protecting our freedoms, our public safety and emergency workers for being on duty as needed on this holiday and charities across the U.S. that step in and provide

Attempts to Divide and Exclude must be met with Unity

Representative Jason Spencer dropped a bill this week that would outlaw traditional Muslim religious garb for women. Jon did a neutral write of the bill this morning. Here’s a less neutral one. This bill is anti-American, divisive, unconstitutional, and just plain stupid. It is exactly the type of idea we need to call out as

A Few Prayers for a Good Guy

If you’ve missed Jamie Dupree on the radio, you’re not alone. Jim Galloway explained in his column yesterday that Dupree, who does political news for WSB radio out of Washington DC, is suffering from “muscle tension dysphonia” in his larynx. Interviewed by email, Dupree told Galloway “Basically, the muscles in my larynx aren’t working together right

Price Looking to Move Up, Others Look To Run

As Ed posted earlier, Politico is reporting that 6th District Congressman Tom Price is in the running to be president-elect Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services. Local rumors also have him as a front runner to be the Office of Management and Budget Director. As many Americans are now coming to terms with, it


The appointment of Breitbart’s Steve Bannon, the Farrakkan of the far right, in a role once held by Karl Rove has landed with as much approval as wearing a Klan hat would at Confederate flag rally. People who were pissed off are bound to be more pissed off. Others who wanted distance from unquestionably racist symbolism are

Harambe Wins Fulton Write-In Vote

Fresh off the heels of his write-in POTUS victory in Gwinnett County, Harambe* crushed his opponents in Fulton. Judging from the AJC‘s report, Harambe’s victory was so thorough they never bothered to tally the results for anyone else.  In the interest of fairness, shoutouts need to be given to the valiant, noble and vanquished foes

Qualifying In Senate District 54 – Day 1

It’s the first day of qualifying for the special election to see who will represent citizens of Georgia’s 54th state senate district after Charlie Bethel trades his “Senator” title for “Judge”.  Former Whitfield County Republican Party Chairman Chuck Payne hit the ground running by being the first to qualify this morning.  He will face two

Cobb, Gwinnett Not Quite Blue Yet…

The second worst part of an election aftermath is listening to the losing side try to delegitimize the winning side. The worst part is watching the winning side act like they won because they were smarter and not just luckier. Everyone would like to believe that voters make informed decisions in a rational manner, but