Category: Politics

What Happens If David Perdue Is Picked By Trump?

President-elect Donald Trump is quickly building his administration over the next couple of months.  A lot of names have been floated as potential picks.  Recently, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has been named as Trump’s chief-of-staff.  That will leave an opening for the Republican Party’s top leadership position (it’s also a position where GAGOP National Committeeman

Senate District 54 Special Election Race Shaping Up

Folks are starting to jump into the race to succeed Senator Charlie Bethel, who will be filling a vacancy on the state Court of Appeals on January 1st. The election could possibly be held as early as December 13th. Chuck Payne, former Whitfield County Republican Party chairman, made his announcement on Facebook this morning: Because the

Congressman Doug Collins Seeking House GOP Caucus Vice-Chairmanship

Congressman Doug Collins (R-GA-09) has thrown his hat into the ring to be the next vice-chairman of the House Republican Caucus.  Current Vice-Chairwoman Lynn Jenkins announced her intention to not run again and focus more on her policy initiatives: repealing Obamacare and tax reform.  Both of which have been made a priority of President-elect Donald

The Night for Georgia Democrats

Putting aside the grim electoral college results of the night, there were a lot of positives for Georgia Democrats last night. Let’s start with the performance of Hillary Clinton in Cobb County (details at Teri’s post) and Gwinnett County. Ruminate on that for a second. Neither Barack Obama (2012) nor Michelle Nunn broke 43% here. This

Is Cobb County Trumpophobic?

The dust from yesterday’s election has yet to settle – but there’s one major story that’s emerged, and that’s a blue Cobb County. Y’all are familiar with Cobb County. It’s the county that famously lost its chance of having an Olympics venue – or even a glimpse of the torch run – in the 1990s

Morning Reads Featuring Democracy

No tunes cuz yall know you only wanna talk about one thing. My predictions were largely accurate(ish).  “Imagine in ’08: ‘I’m Barack Obama. I lost $916M in one year, have 5 kids from 3 wives, once intro’d a porno & I want ur vote white America.’” (Worth repeating) NYT: Trump Triumphs Rossiskaya Gazeta: Putin Congratulated Trump on

Donald Trump Elected President

At roughly 2:40am EST, CNN’s Dana Bash reported that Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump to concede.  It’s not something that many people thought possible as early as yesterday morning. “Upset” barely conveys the meaning. I wrote this week’s column expecting a different result.  The meaning is the same.  At the risk of sounding like a