Category: Politics

Opportunity School District: Demand More

This week’s Courier Herald column: A funny thing happened on the way to way to passing a constitutional amendment to fix Georgia’s failing schools. The NEA – the largest national teachers’ union – decided to send several million dollars to Georgia to kill the measure via a group called “Keep Georgia Schools Local”. Don’t let

FBI Director Comey to Further Investigate Clinton Emails

The following is from a letter to several U.S. Senate Committee Chairs from FBI Director James B. Comey in which the Director states that they will be further investigating emails by Hillary Clinton: Dear Messrs Chairmen: In previous congressional testimony, I referred to the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had completed its investigation

Clinton Inc.

A number of major media outlets have finally gotten past hearsay accusations of sexual misconduct against Donald Trump to explore the many ‘ethically deficient’ (phrase used by HRC apologist and Princeton prof Eddie Glaude on Morning Joe today) activities in Clinton World. It seems most emanate from a company called Teneo formed by Clinton loyalists Doug Band and

A Word On Polling

As we enter into the season where people start arguing about polls being “skewed” and elections being “rigged,” it worth hearing from an actual pollster who’s been doing actual polls for more than a few years. John Garst, the President of Rosetta Stone Communications, posted a note on his Facebook page to explain the challenges

Corks and Forks

Second Harvest and the Friends of Jimmy Carter are joining together in the “Corks and Forks” fundraiser on Saturday, November 19th. Guests will join President and Mrs. Jimmy Carter for an evening of wine tasting and a gourmet dinner by the Wisteria Restaurant. The event will take place at the Windsor Hotel in Americus, Georgia.

I’m Voting For The Opportunity School District

It’s a time for choosing for Georgia voters.  Four constitutional amendments are on the ballot awaiting the popular consent of Georgia’s governed.  One of those constitutional amendments seeks to help alleviate struggling students in some of Georgia’s failing schools.  There is a lot of opposition to it from school teachers, to Democrats and Republicans, to

Handicapping Georgia 2018 – Lt. Gov Edition

As clear as the list of potential candidates for Governor in 2018, the list for Lieutenant Governor is probably longer and more uncertain. Nonetheless, some potential candidates make bigger-than-average blips on the radar screen, and deserve consideration. The man at the top of everyone’s list has to be State Rep. Allen Peake, a Republican from

More Leadership Changes in Georgia

It was announced today by Georgia Governor Nathan Deal that both the Department of Corrections and the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMHSA) will soon be under new leadership. Current GEMHSA Director Jim Butterworth will be leaving his position on December 1 to enter the private arena  and will be replaced by Homer