Category: Politics

To Amend Or Not To Amend

This week’s Courier Herald column: When Georgia voters go to the polls between now and November 8th, they will be given a series of proposed constitutional amendments to consider. Four measures will be decided that could give the Governor more power to fix chronically failing schools, establish new taxes on strip clubs, provide political oversight

I’m voting NO on Amendment 4

The only people who like Constitutional Amendments on ballots are the people who write them and the people who stand to benefit from them. The rest of us despise them because we often times don’t understand what the question is asking and later find out we were mislead by legalese lawyer language. Amendment 4 on this

Randy Evans, Hearing The Sound Of Inevitability…

As reported by Greg Bluestein, Georgia GOP Attorney and National Republican Committeeman Randy Evans seems to sense something beyond November 8. At an Atlanta Press Club panel, Evans said: “Hillary will do for gender relations what Obama did for race relations,” to “audible gasps” in the room. Evans elaborated: “She will galvanize or divide us

Representative Holmes Needs Your Help

It appear Representative Holmes has an armadillo problem. We’re unsure if she has pet armadillos that are loose or if she is catching them for other purposes such as armadillo racing. Regardless, Representative Holmes is a fantastic representative who, along with her husband, gives everything for Georgia, so let’s help her. If you can trap

Cobb County Superintendent Cares More About Football than Decorum, Students’ First Amendment Rights

Chris Ragsdale was blunt with what will happen if Cobb County students exercise their peaceful First Amendment Rights by protesting before football games. “Their asses would be benched,” the school superintendent was quoted as saying by The AJC.  Ain’t nuthin sacred anymore? Kids wantin’ to voice their opinions during our Friday night traditions? What’s most upsetting about