Category: Politics

National Democrats Increasing Efforts to Turn GA Blue

In the latest sign that national Democrats think Georgia is, at least, potentially in play, Interim DNC chair Donna Brazile is coming to Atlanta to fundraise for the Georgia Democratic House Caucus. House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams is hosting the Oct. 11 event. Abrams said in a statement: “Donna Brazile is an extraordinary leader who

Racist Comments “Needed To Get A Vote” In Douglas County

[iframe src=”″] While we’re working to fix the embedded video, here’s a direct link. The Chairman of the Douglas County Commission, Tom Worthan, made some disparaging, inflammatory, and embarrassing comments about black candidates running for office in Douglas County a couple of weeks ago. He was caught on tape doing so. His excuse? “I spoke

Opportunity School District Amendment Gets An Endorsement; Opponents File Lawsuit To Prevent Enactment

A lot of ire has been cast towards Governor Nathan Deal by some conservatives and teachers over the Opportunity School Districts.  Opposition to the OSD amendment point towards the big, bad state government “overreaching” and circumventing local control of schools….even though the amendment allows for the state to step in after a school fails to

Olens Confirmed to Head KSU

Following several months of rumors, The Atlanta Business Chronicle reported this afternoon that Attorney General Sam Olens will take the helm of Kennesaw State University. Sources anticipate that Chris Carr, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development, will be appointed as Attorney General by Governor Deal. Former KSU President Dan Papp retired in June following an audit

Vote NO on Amendment 2 – Against the children, for the $tripper$

Georgians have four proposed Constitutional amendment questions on their November ballots this November. I’ve already belabored the point of voting NO on Amendment 3 regarding the dissolution of the Judicial Qualifications Commission, but there is another of equal importance: Amendment 2 for the Safe Harbor Act. What it will do: The Amendment will allow the state

Trump Leads Clinton by Six in Likely Voters Poll

Fifty percent of likely Georgia voters support Donald Trump while 44% support Hillary according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll of four swing states. As you might imagine, there are “huge” gender and racial gaps between the two candidates. Trump’s performance here in Georgia mirrors the broader national trends of the past few days with