Category: Politics

Property taxes aren’t enough for some fire departments

Double dipping on taxpayers and, sometimes, insurance companies. That’s what some fire departments are doing according to a recent Fox5 i-Team investigation. And Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens is aware of it. It appears that fire departments around the state of Georgia, though funded through state and county taxes, are sending people bills for service after

Atlanta Gets The Most Robocalls

People living in the 404 area code may be a little peeved. According to Jacques Couret at the Atlanta Business Chronicle, “The latest YouMail Robocall Index shows Atlanta’s 404 area code was the nation’s most robocalled area codes for the ninth straight month, with 49,362,000 robocalls in August.” Roughly one in six phone numbers calling

The Falling Man

It’s been 15 years since Richard Drew aimed his camera at the burning Twin Towers and captured the end of a life. His photo, dubbed “The Falling Man,” generated a myriad of praise and criticism in the days, months, and years following the attack. Many have worked to wipe it from the record of September 11, 2001,

Lawmakers Remember September 11th

Today marks the 15th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and most likely, the U.S. Capitol, were it not for the bravery of those on Flight 93 in Pennsylvania. The day is now marked as Patriot Day, a day of service and remembrance for the almost 3,000 people who gave

Sabato’s Crystal Ball As A Cautionary Tale For 2018

North Carolina voters are looking to choose between two men for governor: reelecting their Republican Governor Pat McCrory or electing Democrat Attorney General Roy Cooper.  Generally, incumbents have an easier time with being reelected.  Unfortunately for Governor McCrory, his reelection bid is a bit murky largely due to HB 2 (also known as “The Bathroom

GA Medicaid expansion proposals

Last week I commented on the various options for expanding Medicaid in Georgia and drew comments from a number of readers. Now it seems like a Forbes contributor has taken a closer look at those options and come to some scathing conclusions. Josh Archambault, Senior Fellow with the Foundation for Government Accountability, has joined the conversation

Don’t Be Too Worried About A Conspiracy To Hack The Vote

We’ve written for the past couple of weeks about Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s tepid attitude towards federal intervention of election administration all in the name of cyber-security.  Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been making remarks about the “rigged system” that will steal this election from him for a while now, and I know

Morning Reads for 9.7.16

There’s something poetic about 9/7 in ’16. Maybe said date was mentioned as something important in a Dan Brown book. “Four Cornered Room” by War.  The two candidates for POTUS may have locked in their GA strategies.  Ninety GA Bar exam takers can now say they are only technically failures.  Missed connections at Dragon Con. #sad

Barrow School Board Member To Gov: ‘Go To Hell And Cut Our Revenue’

From Barrow County comes a school board member who speaks truth to power, albeit rudely. In fact, Lynn Stevens has shot her mouth off so profoundly she might look into using gunpowder as toothpaste. From the Barrow NewsJournal: “The Barrow County BOE plans to take a stand against a proposed state constitution [sic] amendment creating “Opportunity School