Category: Politics

Johnny Isakson and I Have Something in Common

And it’s not that we both like Donald Trump. Last week, I participated in a panel discussion as part of the Cobb Opportunity Outlook sponsored by the Council for Quality Growth. At the event, three different panels of policymakers, developers, and elected officials from across Cobb discussed how to maximize collaboration, communication, and connectivity in

Things that make me go “Wait. What?”

A Georgia healthcare task force headed by two Republican legislators has released a series of options for covering uninsured Georgians that they call a “conservative approach to Medicaid expansion”. I thought Republicans supported smaller government not expansion? Vic Reynolds, the Republican District Attorney in Cobb County, on WSB 2 news last night suggested expanding federal

Policing Strategies Discussion

Several members , including Georgia’s 9th District Congressman Doug Collins, of the bipartisan Policing Strategies Working Group will be traveling to Detroit, Michigan to meet with local community leaders and law enforcement to discuss police accountability, aggression towards law enforcement, and public safety concerns related to these issues. Members of the working group plan to

Who Said It?

“George Wallace represents the real views of Georgians…. I frankly admired Wallace, not because of his racial views, but because of his willingness to stand up and shake a fist at Washington occasionally. There’s something therapeutic about that in the South.”  Click the link, and discover who said that, (via the Daily Jolt from the

Trump’s Agricultural Advisory Committee Includes Prominent Georgians

Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump announced the formation of his agricultural advisory committee today. Three Georgians are members of the committee, including Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, former Governor Sonny Perdue, and State Senate Chairman of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs John Wilkinson. In a statement, Trump said, The members of my agricultural advisory committee