Category: Politics

Hank Johnson: Jewish Settlers akin to “termites”

Hank Johnson, who represents Georgia’s 4th Congressional District, appears to be in the news again with an ill-conceived analogy. Quoting from the Free Beacon: “There has been a steady [stream], almost like termites can get into a residence and eat before you know that you’ve been eaten up and you fall in on yourself, there

Morning Reads for Tuesday, July 19

Good morning! Well, last night at the RNC was… something. NPR’s Bob Mondello has some recommendations for those who are looking for a viewing alternative to the convention. “One thing you learn from movies featuring political conventions: Angela Lansbury should not be allowed anywhere near them.” Trump’s ghostwriter contends that if you want to elect

Effective Protesting

With all the protests planned and occurring at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland Ohio I thought it might be helpful to share a few guidelines for effective protesting. I am sure there are many more but here is a starter kit if you are new to the world of dissent and change. 1.) What

Strong Evidence That Trump VP Is Someone Other Than Newt

The Indianapolis Star is confirming that Indiana Governor Mike Pence is suspending his re-election campaign.  That pretty much points to him being GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump’s choice for Vice President.  That doesn’t mean it’s “official”, but the official announcement will come tomorrow at 11a. Former Speaker and Georgia Congressman Newt Gingrich had been named

Make Morning Reads Great Again.

To do that you just need to wait for Wednesday (IE: when I do the MRs). “Game Over” by Antelope John Lewis: Dallas “gave greater need” to pass gun control laws. Georgians’ favorite coach, Steve Spurrier, will have his book published Aug. 30.  2014 and 2015 each set new records for hottest years ever, and

The Last Lecture

It is a bittersweet feeling to put pen to paper and write this, but my time in Georgia comes to an end this week as I move Chicago for a new teaching position. At the end of every semester, I deliver a final lecture to my students. Today, I give you my last post.

A Continuation Of Petty Politics Under The Guise Of Advancing The GOP

Alex Johnson, the failed contender for GAGOP Chairman and apparent sore loser, sent out an email newsletter that tries to vilify my friend and fellow district chairman Brad Carver.  Interestingly enough, Johnson doesn’t mention Chairman Carver by name in his email (you have to click-through to a PDF that lists small donations to Democrats).  Needless

GDOT loses again

The Georgia Supreme Court ruled today that the Ku Klux Klan’s legal bid to take part in Georgia’s Adopt-a-Highway program will go to trial. According to the AJC’s Bill Rankin, In a unanimous opinion, the state high court ruled against the Department of Transportation’s attempt to scuttle the case, saying the agency failed to follow