Category: Politics

Do We Jail Journalists In Georgia?

Apparently, if you’re investigating the misconduct of court officers, you need their permission. At least, that’s the rationale behind the jailing of Mark Thomason and Russell Stookey a week ago. The two were booked for making a false statement in an open-records request — something I didn’t even realize could be a crime — along with identity fraud and

Independence Has Responsibility – And Consequences

This week’s Courier Herald column: Next week we’ll celebrate Independence Day, the day the American colonists said “enough” and chose to split from the rule of a foreign king. Our forefathers saw opportunity in charting our own destiny by providing more freedom rather than less – both economic freedoms and those of personal liberty. Last

Props to Sam Olens

Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens was elected Vice President of the National Association of Attorneys General at the organization’s meeting yesterday in Burlington, Vermont. In addition to serving as Vice President, Olens will be co-chair of the Federalism/Preemption Committee and the Law Enforcement and Prosecutorial Relations Working Group. He will serve on three additional committees,

No Good Deed shall go Unpunished

In the aftermath of the shootings in Orlando several Chik-fil-A franchises in the city provided food on a Sunday, when they are normally closed, to the citizens waiting in line to give blood. This seemingly compassionate act has drawn the wrath of the liberal press and produced the following sensational headline: The dark truth behind

Morning Reads for Friday June 17, 2016

It lives! For 10 more days, at least. Well, I have been contemplating adding a sundeck to my car. Former regulator turns down ethics appointment. Who else (besides me), saw the word “Terminus” and immediately thought, “No thanks, I don’t want anything off the grill.”? Quite a haul from the Floyd County Schools fraud investigation.