Category: Politics

Senator Perdue’s Prayer: Psalms 109:8

Sen. Perdue tells Faith and Freedom attendees to pray for Obama. “We should pray like Psalm 109:8 says: Let his days be few” — Betsy Woodruff (@woodruffbets) June 10, 2016 Ms. Woodruff is a reporter for the Daily Beast. Should we heed Senator Perdue’s advice and use Psalms 109 as guidance on how to pray

Oh the Irony!

In the past two weeks I have received three emails warning the American taxpayers of a pending abuse of taxpayer funds in the form of a Puerto Rico bailout and as well as a potential tsunami of other bailouts involving unions and other municipalities, counties and states. The irony of these missives is they are

Senator Isakson Asks For Federal Funding to Relocate St. Marys Airport

Today, Senator Johnny Isakson announced that he has filed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that will secure federal funding to relocate St. Marys Airport away from the nearby Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base. From Senator Isakson’s press release: The current location of the Camden County, Ga., airport has for years raised

Carter Center Close to Eradicating Guinea Worm; Carter “Feeling Fine”

Georgia’s best president, Jimmy Carter, said on Monday the Carter Center’s work to eradicate Guinea-worm disease (AKA: Dracunculiasis) is close to being complete. In an interview with NPR’s “All Things Considered”, Carter said there have been only two confirmed cases of Guinea-worm disease in 2016. Compare that to the 3.5 million a year during the

Morning Reads for Tuesday, June 7

Good morning! Another Tuesday, another set of primaries – and we now have two presumptive nominees as last night, news broke that Clinton clinched the Democratic nomination. In a shocking turn of events, many GOP elite are shunning Trump’s attacks on U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel. This includes Georgia’s own Newt Gingrich, who wrote, “I

GOP Convention Demonstrates Cross Purposes

This week’s Courier Herald column: Republicans pride themselves of being the party of free markets. In politics, there are two primary measures of whether or not the markets are working. The monetary measure is fundraising for party activities. The market measure that ultimately matters is at the ballot box. Georgia Republicans have been maxing out

A Resolution on Republican Principles Divides the GOP

Debate over a resolution entitled “A Resolution On Getting Back to the Basics of Republican Principles” at this past weekend’s Georgia Republican Convention showed some differences of opinion among the convention delegates. The first part of the resolution chides the Georgia legislature for not overriding Governor Nathan Deal’s veto of House Bill 757, the Free