Category: Politics

The Art of Warfare: Mass Email Edition

If you’re a delegate or alternate to the Georgia Republican Party Convention tomorrow in Disgusta Augusta, you’re probably rolling your eyes at the amount of useless emails regarding the National Committeewoman election. Well, folks, we got a show with some fireworks yesterday. As all petty, useless, egotistical, shameful, deplorable, and idiotic Georgia Republican Party drama

Sen. Isakson Says Some Nice Stuff About Ginger Howard for GOP Committeewoman

An email blast was sent out a few minutes ago from Ginger Howard, candidate for GOP National Committeewoman at this weekend’s GAGOP Convention, that shared some kind words by Sen. Johnny Isakson. Current National Committeewoman Linda Herren is term-limited and not eligible to run again. Ginger is facing at least two other candidates, Maria Strollo Zack

Morning Reads for Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Good morning! I hope you are wearing white pants. You can wear white shoes, now, too. Be wild: wear them at the same time. Are you doing sunscreen wrong? Stunning, haunting portraits of servicemen and women. The AJC photogs recap Memorial Day across metro Atlanta. Columbus, Georgia, claims to be the birthplace of Memorial Day.

Georgia Senators Fight to Prioritize JSTARS

As the United States Senate takes up the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2017, Senators Johnny Isakson (R) and David Perdue (R) have offered two amendments to the legislation in support of the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS). Both Senators want to ensure that it is maintained as a national

“Anybody but …….”

Some years ago the battle cry “was thrown out all the incumbents” which I thought was akin to taking a chain saw to a problem that required pruning. Were there and are there still incumbents that need replacing – absolutely. But it seems to me that politics is the only profession where experience is a

Northwest Georgia Post-Election Synopsis By The #RINOEstablishment

Being a district chairman, that automatically makes me a member of the #RINOEstablishment, so I might as well claim the title and say that I was generally happy with the results of our Georgia Republican primary.  We avoided conspiracy and cupcakes in the US Senate race, and I’m glad to see three of Georgia’s most

Georgia Races to Watch: GOP Congressional Primaries

I’m out of the “pundit” business. I don’t do predictions. If most pundits were honest, they would admit that the prediction/punditry game is mostly a parlor game for entertainment purposes to fill time while we wait on election results. Over the last week the constant question I’ve been asked is “Are we expecting any surprises?”.

Morning Reads for Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Good morning! It’s primary day! Again! This time, it’s the general primary, not the presidential primary, so please don’t start drafting an irate Facebook post when you realize that Trump’s not on the ballot. Or, do start drafting it, please – it’ll be a handy identifier as we continue to hurtle headfirst towards November. This