Category: Politics

DACA Students File a Lawsuit Demanding In-State Tuition

In the latest attempt to allow certain illegal immigrants to attend one of Georgia’s college and universities and pay in-state tuition, two Georgia Perimeter College students have filed a federal lawsuit against the Board of Regents and many of the University System College presidents. The suit claims that the students have had their rights violated

Georgia’s Nonpartisan Ballots are Confusing; Georgia’s Open Primaries are Necessary

Georgia voters faced a decision in last week’s primary beyond which presidential candidate they wanted to support. In Georgia, we have open primaries, which means that we get to choose whether we vote in the Republican or the Democratic primary. True-believing die-hards from either party will rarely waver on which ballot they choose, but as

Transit Support Growing While Funding Still Elusive

This week’s Courier Herald column: At a meeting in Athens held in conjunction with the Legislature’s biennial 2014 gathering, Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle somewhat surprised those in attendance by stating “We cannot avoid the issue of transit.” During the following 2015 legislative session, a bill to provide roughly a billion new dollars per year for

GeorgiaPol Radio – Episode 8 For March 4, 2016: #RINORadioRevolution

#RINORadio GeorgiaPol Radio took to the air again on Friday where Charlie Harper, Jon Richards, and Stefan Turkheimer discussed the hangover from Super Tuesday.  Is Donald Trump unstoppable?  Are we in the midst of a political realignment within both parties?  Luckily, we have the downloadable podcast version just in case you missed the live version

Athens Prosecutor Might Shut Down Creature Comforts

Next week, an Athens prosecutor will decide whether or not to cite a brewery for serving beer. Athens Clarke County Unified Government Prosecutor Bill Berryman claims that while an undercover officer spent two hours in Creature Comforts and was given beer, she was not offered a tour. (Memo to police officers: you might not be taking full