Category: Politics

BREAKING: U.S. Election Assistance Commission Sued Over Georgia Voter Requirement

A federal action was filed today in Washington D.C. against the United States Election Assistance Commission and the Commission’s Executive Director, Brian D. Newby.  Voting rights groups are challenging the legality of the permission granted to Alabama, Georgia, and Kansas to require proof of citizenship on federal voter registration forms. The suit was filed by the League

Georgia Prison Guards Face Indictment

Several prison guards were arrested this week on the charges of using the status of their uniforms in order to both help and protect a big-time drug trafficker in their effort to smuggle copious amounts of cocaine and methamphetamine throughout Georgia. However, what makes this story even more unique than it already is is that

Ehrhart’s Presidential Popular Vote Bill Gets National Support

Eight former chairmen of the conservative group American Legislative Exchange Council signed a letter endorsing HB 929, which calls for the winner of the popular vote to become president. Earl Ehrhart, himself a former chair of ALEC and sponsor of the bill, was signatory to the letter. HB 929 doesn’t call for the Electoral College to be abolished.

A day of meddling and hypocrisy

Today was full of meddling and hypocrisy. Will wrote earlier about the Twitter exchange over Senator Mike Crane – who happens to be running for Congress- “walking out” on the vote for the amended budget. Members of Governor Deal’s staff shamed Crane for leaving and mocked his principled outsider rhetoric. I’m not sure if Georgians

Cong. Lewis and Mayor Reed Lob Serious Bombs at Senator Sanders

Hillary Clinton appears to be enlisting Atlanta’s two biggest heavyweights to go on the offensive against Bernie Sanders. On Thursday, Congressman John Lewis called into question, well, all of Sanders’ time in the civil rights movement. Mayor Reed, for his part, said Sanders is ignoring the record of the incumbent president. Both have been ardent

Mike Crane Demonstrates Politics As Usual

Senator Mike Crane, a candidate for Congress, ran for the hills rather than participate in the state Senate budget vote. His avoidance is particularly strange given he is a subcommittee chairman on the budget-writing committee. Those in Governor Deal’s orbit quickly pounced on him. Governor Deal’s Chief of Staff Chris Riley said that Senator Crane, “walks on budget

Can Yu Guess Who Is Running For Congress In GA-12 Against Rep. Rick Allen?

2014 was a Yunique year in GA-12, as longtime Democratic Representative John Barrow was finally unseated by current Republican Representative Rick Allen. Prior to that victory, Rep. Allen had unexpectedly won a 5-person primary by over 17,000 votes, allowing him to enter the general election without enduring the predicted runoff. The results of the primary election:

Killer Mike Seemingly Planning a Bernie Event in Atlanta

Atlanta-based rapper Killer Mike is Sen. Bernie Sanders’ biggest fan, having crisscrossed the country to get young Americans to #FeelTheBern and making the rounds on talking-head TV shows. It also appears Mike, (aka: Michael Render) has sights on a Sanders event in Atlanta. I can guarantee the rap-concert-qua-political-rally would be massively attended. In fact I’d go so far as

Georgia Wins Over Obama Administration In SCOTUS Ruling Over Coal Regulations

The Supreme Court has ruled the Obama Administration overstepped its authority with new EPA regulations that would affect the coal fueled power plants.  This has direct implications for Georgia, and looks to be setting up a possible trend where the Supreme Court begins to assert its own power in an attempt to contain the powers