Category: Politics

Rep. John Lewis Compares Donald Trump to George Wallace

Long time Atlanta fifth district congressman John Lewis looks at Republican presidential frontrunner Donald J. Trump and sees an echo of George Wallace, the Alabama Democrat who opposed racial integration. Lewis is quoted in a New York Times story timed to highlight his relationship with Martin Luther King, Jr. “It’s a reasonable comparison,” said Mr.

We’re All Missing The Debate

I wrote this Saturday morning (before I even knew there was a Dem debate last night). Then decided that while it does contrast the conflict between campaigns & policy it really wasn’t what I wanted for this week’s column. And while it’s also not “GAPol” we will from time to time dabble in bigger picture

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a hero to me, one of a very small group of people that I have ever put into that category. In his short 39 years, Dr. King made a lasting impact upon the world before his life was horrifically taken away. He did not shy away from the calling upon his life to

Will Gwinnett and Hall Counties Provide Voting Materials in Spanish?

If the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials and advocacy group LatinoJustice have their way, then yes. A report in The AJC says their cases rests on their reading of a provision of the Voting Rights Act.  Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO’s executive director, said providing Spanish-language ballots would make it easier for many people to vote. “It’s

House Majority Whip Matt Ramsey Possibly Eyeing GA-03 Race

Word around the Capitol is that House Majority Whip Matt Ramsey (R-HD-72) is taking “deliberate steps” toward a run at the 3rd Congressional Race.  Ramsey is smack dab in the middle of the 3rd district, geographically, so that could be a possible factor in his consideration. Earlier, we told you about former State Rep. Jeff Brown

Former State Representative Jeff Brown Considering Congressional Run

The race to fill Georgia’s 3rd Congressional seat, currently held by Lynn Westmoreland, is piquing the interest of former State Representative Jeff Brown, a Republican from LaGrange.  He has issued a press release saying that he is forming an exploratory committee to determine if he should or shouldn’t run.  Other potential candidates include Senator Josh

Of Pastors and Protection

In yesterday’s daily Senate devotional, the chaplain of the day seized on the opportunity to condemn LGBT persons before members of the General Assembly. In an all too often occurrence under the Gold Dome, gay and lesbian Georgians were called “an abomination” who contribute to the nation’s moral decline. In the Senate— the people’s chamber—