Category: Politics

National Republican Senatorial Committee States Sens. Loeffler and Perdue Have Voter Lists

From a press release from the Office of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger: Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is advising Senator David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler to call their campaign offices after they demanded public data that their campaigns already have access to. The National Republican Committee (NRSC) requested and received copies of the newly

GeorgiaPol Meets Kudzu Vine

I had the opportunity this evening to join the wonderful hosts over at Kudzu Vine to discuss the blogging world, the November 3 and January 5 elections, and the upcoming session of the General Assembly. The opinions expressed during the program are mine and may not reflect those of other contributors here. I am sure

Morning Reads for Friday, December 11, 2020

Rome Braves continue to chop.  Best Metro light displays.  Shut up, Joe!  Queue the rolling-eyes emoji.   Pass the popcorn. Facebook in the FTC’s sights.  Workin’ hard for The People.  And you thought 1984 was just a book. It’s come to this.  Enigma machine found in Baltic Sea.  Faster, please.  Not just for gas pumps anymore. 

RNC Issues Statement on Joint Lawsuit With GAGOP

From a press release from the Republican National Committee: The Republican National Committee and the Georgia Republican Party filed suit last night to ensure Georgia election law is properly followed for the January 5th runoff election. The lawsuit demands poll watchers be allowed to do their jobs permitted under Georgia law, and safeguards in the

Afternoon Reads for Tuesday, December 8

Good afternoon! I started loading these up early this morning, but life. 1 in 20 Georgians has had COVID. More updated COVID numbers for Georgia, and bad news for the Georgia Senators who were forced to share air with Giuliani at last Thursday’s hearing. The inside baseball behind the the pushback the Trump election crusaders

GA SOS Re-Certifies Election and “Kraken” Case Dismissed

From the Office of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger: Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger today recertified the results of the November 3, 2020 presidential election. The recertification came following an audit-triggered hand recount and a formal recount requested by the Trump campaign. Both recounts upheld the original outcome of the race. The certified results of