Category: Politics

Morning Reads for Tuesday, November 17

Good morning! Election Day was two weeks ago, and yes, Joe Biden is still. President-Elect. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham: “Integrity in this office matters.” Raffensperger is sending an investigator to Floyd County, where the contents of an entire memory card from one voting machine were not tabulated.

Morning Reads for Friday, November 13, 2020

Freddie is NL MVP!!!! The Georgia connection to Red Poppies. Fulton County english.  Slow leak = burst pipe.   In defense of bologna sandwiches. Major stock exchanges ponder move to Texas. Can we be friends (again) now?  ‘MERICA! StubHub rejoices.  Rehabbed apartments…in space. Iconical.  Oh. And today is Friday the 13th. Be careful out there.

SOS Raffensperger Moves December Runoff to Jan. 5; Hand Recount for Presidential Race

This posting has been updated/clarified from its original posting: The Secretary of State’s office has sent word that the only runoff moved to January 5 is the race for Public Service Commission. Local runoffs, such as those for District Attorney, will still be conducted on December 1st. Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) has published that Secretary

Carr leads Republican Attorney Generals

Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr has been selected as Chair of the Republican Attorney Generals Association for 2021. The new leadership team will be on the frontlines against a possible Biden-Harris Administration and continue RAGA’s efforts to defend the rule of law and protect constitutional freedoms. The 2021 focus will be flipping the attorney general

As His District Could Lose Billions and 2,600 Jobs, Rep. Collins Focuses on SOS Raffensperger

I will state it plainly that our U.S. Senators and Rep. Doug Collins are barking up the wrong tree with their “calls” and “presses” against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. They need to come up with some concrete evidence before they start running good people through the mud and tossing around allegations. I honestly do

Morning Reads for Tuesday, November 10

Good morning! Election Day was one week ago – and Joe Biden is absolutely our President-Elect. Lacking any evidence whatsoever of any election wrongdoing, Georgia’s incumbent GOP Senators demand that Georgia’s GOP Secretary of State resign. Meanwhile, a Trump appointee refuses to sign the document that will allow the Biden transition to move forward and

2020 General Election Statement Issued by Georgia Legislative Black Caucus

The following statement was provided by State Representative Karen Bennett (D-Stone Mountain), chair of the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus (GLBC), today in regards the general election held on November 3, 2020: “This has been a challenging year for Georgians and many throughout the United States. COVID-19 has forever changed the fabric of our lives and

SOS Raffensperger Will Not Resign

From Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger: “Earlier today Senators Loeffler and Perdue called for my resignation. Let me start by saying that is not going to happen. The voters of Georgia hired me, and the voters will be the one to fire me. As Secretary of State, I’ll continue to fight every day to ensure