Category: Politics

SK Innovation, LG Chem Case Delayed Again

Last Thursday, I posted about the possible impact upon the Presidential and U.S. Senate races in Georgia by the forthcoming decision of the International Trade Commission (ITC) in the trade secret case between SK Innovation and LG Chem. A ruling was supposed to have been issued yesterday, October 26, but the ITC has postponed the

Morning Reads for Tuesday, October 27

One. More. Week. . . . Until we start the runoff. Oh hey, did you know that Georgia is in play? Vice President is visiting the state today, including a visit to Warm Springs and FDR’s Little White House. “We are going to get dragged through the dirt for something that we did not do.”

State Rep. David Clark Announces Run for House Speaker If Re-elected

State Representative David Clark (R-Buford) made an announcement on Facebook this afternoon stating that he would challenge incumbent Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) should he win re-election on November 3rd. You can read the announcement in its entirety: Representative Clark points to his resolution to remove Speaker Ralston from the chair during the 2019 legislative

Lt. Gov. Duncan Appoints Members to Office of Child Advocate Advisory Committee

The General Assembly created the Office of the Child Advocate (“OCA”) in 2000 in order “to serve as an independent system of checks and balances for Georgia’s child protection services by monitoring the agencies charged with providing such services.” The Office is responsible for responding “to complaints from children, relatives, foster parents, and child welfare