Category: Politics

Morning Reads for Friday, August 28, 2020

Jimmy Carter, the Rock and Roll President.  Columbus honors founding of women’s sufferage movement in Georgia. Pray for our neighbors. Farmer’s Almanac predicts a wild and crazy winter, especially for our northern neighbors.   Even the new ones (you know who you are). When grammar triggers… But is it fluent in Whale Song?  Good grief,

Morning Reads – Thursday, August 27, 2020

Continued prayers this morning for our friends in Louisiana & Texas.  It was on this date in 1894 that the Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act was passed by the U.S. Congress. The provision for a graduated income tax was later struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. Peaches Georgia Universities Face Staggering Losses if Football Season Is

Morning Reads for Tuesday, August 25

Good morning! We are asserting that we don’t need a statewide mask mandate for Georgians to do the right thing while we are also exhorting Georgians to please not drink bleach. Delta will slowly add more international flights. They will also continue to cap seating at 75% capacity through at January 2021 (at least; depends

Morning Reads for Friday, August 21, 2020

Oh, what a tangled web. Or something. Not just UGA, any college football game. As we continue to eat our way through summer. But they still bite, right? Not your father’s Clone War. Pardon refused.  What?  August 25. Backed up with lots of data. What could go wrong? What’s a Fujiwhara (question on next week’s

Morning Reads for Tuesday, August 18

Good morning, and happy 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment! The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. How a Jack

Speaker Ralston Responds to Rep. Tommy Benton’s Comments about John Lewis

Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) released a statement in response to comments made by Rep. Tommy Benton (R-Jefferson) about the late Congressman John Lewis during an interview on WJJC (1270 AM) in Commerce. From the interview, as transcribed by the AJC: Benton: “I notice that there’s a movement to replace Alexander Stephens’ statue in Washington

Perspective On The Notorious MTG

The consternation and hand-wringing over the views of the Notorious MTG, aka Marjorie Taylor Greene, the GOP nominee to Georgia’s 14th Congressional district, needs a bit of perspective. It’s not that Ms. Greene’s apparent belief in the QAnon conspiracy theory puts her far out of the mainstream. It’s that her belief isn’t far enough out

Morning Reads for Friday, August 14, 2020

The Fair is canceled for the first time in 30 years.  At least high school football might start. Maybe.  Of course, it’s Douglas County.  Where’s a Bat Signal when you need one?  That Bee.  So funny.  Not the Bee. Seriously. As it should be.   Alpacas. Not just for yarn anymore.  Instant Legolas.  Silly me.  I

Seven African American WOMEN DAs serving in Georgia

Georgia was founded in January 2, 1788.  For the first time in 232 years, there are seven African American women as the lead prosecutors in some of the State’s largest counties.  Last night’s runoff election solidified that Dekalb, Cobb, Clayton, Douglas, Rockdale, Macon, and Fulton will all have black women as their District Attorney’s.  I