Category: Politics

Morning Reads for Friday, August 7, 2020

Southerners love their dogs. Georgia shows “…a smart and directed reopening is absolutely possible.” Since when does threatening teenagers get the result you want?  LOLz. Sadness.  Not much time left to visit this gem. Goosebumps ON FIRE, baby! Vindicated. All we need is a fainting couch, and our 2020 life will be complete. GoT creator

Morning Reads for Tuesday, August 4

Good morning! Today is the first day of (virtual) school for many children in my area; their district, Marietta City Schools, announced that at least 5 staffers tested positive for COVID-19. Earlier this summer, MCS Superintendent Grand Rivera was clear that unless we have widespread testing and contact tracing in Georgia, schools could not safely

Morning Reads for Friday, July 31,2020

And so it begins. (Which means we’ll all have to save up our Good Old-Fashioned Hate until next year. ) Well, it’s Auburn. The stupid.  It burns. Paranoid? You will be. Will we ever do a lot of things again? Well-deserved. Reindeer games.  Nice convention you have there.. Ministry of Truth. Visions of biscuits dancing

Morning Reads for Tuesday, July 28

Good morning! Here’s your periodic reminder that while you should wear a mask, you should not wear the kind of mask that has valves (unless you are alone, working in your dusty attic or cleaning a chicken house). They are so useless against preventing the spread of COVID-19 that even Disney has banned them. Anyway:

Morning Reads for Monday, July 27, 2020

Happy Mid-Morning Reads from the Covid 2020 Social Distancing beach…which is why you are getting mid-morning reads. My subtle “Happy Monday” text from Charlie was also my subtle “don’t make me fire you” text. Georgia hospital to close amid financial hardships Georgia’s school reopening plans can break along political lines Online classes could hit revenue