Category: Politics

Atlanta Braves, We See You!

For the last couple of weeks the Washington Redskins and Cleveland Indians have discussed or decided to retire the “Redskin” and “Indian” mascots and logos. One of the many changes commercial and private entities are doing to show their support for the amplified movements against racism in the United States. Dave Schiller the Braves President

Sen. Loeffler: The Anti Midas

I will admit I’ve been pretty harsh on Senator Kelly Loeffler. Although, let’s be honest, she’s suffered from self-inflicted damage. And her latest stupid controversy is yet another example that qua Senator, Kelly Loeffler is the anti-Midas (everything she touches turns to s). Loeffler’s comments only make sense when taken into consideration that she fundamentally

Morning Reads for Friday, July 10, 2020

Athens Academy sees an opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons. Tyler’s heart is as broken as ours. Burnin’ Love. Unemployment continues to drop. Night holds no fear for them (aka I love the woods). Your weekly Hamilton silliness. Who ever had Mongolian Bubonic Plague on their Bingo card, well, shut up. Springtime for South

Cook Political Report Update: Georgia A Tossup

I suppose it’s not really that much of a surprise if you live here but Georgia was moved into the toss-up category by The Cook Political Report. So sayeth the soothsayers: “Georgia has joined Arizona, North Carolina and Florida in the Toss Up column, although, at this point, Biden would be slightly favored to win at

Morning Reads for Friday, July 3, 2020

This is discouraging.  Savannah requires masks in public places. Callaway Gardens is still planning to have fireworks this weekend.  Do you think hurricanes care about viruses? Lawd.  22 and 26. South Carolina has a great Senator. FSU shows its colors. Walder Frey was unavailable for comment. No. No. No. Good news. Better news. Remembering Carl

Gov. Kemp Is Failing Georgia

During his “Wear a Mask” tour, Governor Kemp made it abundantly clear he lacks the desire to actually combat the spread of coronavirus. Side note: yesterday was yet another record-breaking day forCovid-19 in Georgia with 2,464 new cases . Our previous record was Monday with 2,016 cases. That broke the record set six days before.

Morning Reads for Tuesday, June 30

Good morning! Point of personal privilege: 20 years ago today, my husband and I went on our first date. What does yesterday’s SCOTUS ruling on Louisiana’s abortion law mean for Georgia’s abortion law (which, it is critical to note, has not gone into effect)? Governor Kemp will tour the state to urge Georgians to wear