Category: Politics

Silence is LOUD!

The politics surrounding the current events including #BLM and the ongoing protest is national as much as it is personal. Below is a blog post that touched me as it describes the writers first adult experience with race as an undergraduate. What it explores is the importance of self reflection and your personal experiences with

Silence is LOUD!

I am honored to be a part of this small team of GeorgiaPol contributors.  I also accept it as a privilege to have a platform for my thoughts and musings on politics.  Whether people agree or disagree, I hoped to bring another point of view for readers of GeorgiaPol to consider. These days however, I

Morning Reads for Friday, June 5, 2020

Douglas County Commissioner unable to follow simple instructions.  Hide the silverware. The Legislature reconvenes next Monday.  Governor Kemp says budget cuts may not be as drastic as first expected.  Advice for college freshmen.  Some good news – the market is rising.  The honourable thing to do.  SMOD.  Ironical. When will the car shows crank up?  

Morning Reads for Tuesday, June 2

Good morning. Here’s a song. Are playdates safe? The state issued guidance – not guidelines – for schools as they prepare their plans to reopen this fall. Many health experts maintain that racism is as valid a health concern as COVID-19. The DOL requested an exemption from state budget cuts. Most of the protestors arrested

Loeffler Supports Unconstitutional Measure

Senator Kelly Loeffler wants “left-wing activists” to be deemed domestic terrorists. By whom? Well–that’s a good question. Any such move is likely unconstitutional to boot. Loeffler cosponsored S.Res.279, ostensibly targeting Antifa which is fine in theory but it’s not an organization. Even if you support Congress wanting to restrict citizens’ rights to free assembly, the

Morning Reads for Monday, June 1, 2020

Whooooo! We are officially half-way through the weirdest year of all time. Bars and nightclubs can officially re-open as of today. Georgia student, son of 2 first responders, creates lifesaving COVID-19 equipment Georgia Restaurant Association denounces ‘senseless acts of violence’ during Atlanta protests New voting machines face big test in coronavirus-struck Georgia primary Georgia Author

Morning Reads for Friday, May 29,2020

Gov. Kemp lifts more restrictions; media tantrums continue. Keep an eye on the Douglas County election results.  Popcorn required. Looking forward to fall. Ministry of Truth. “Work together.”  What a novel concept. More space news. Or something. (Why headlines matter.) New scary Tech Word of the Day: Deepfake. Is it time to leave Twitter? Tally