Category: Politics

Trump to Kemp: I Totally Disagree On Reopening

Less than 24 hours after supporting Governor Kemp’s decision to reopen Georgia, President Trump now “totally disagrees” with Kemp. Speaking at his daily supplication fest Covid-19 briefing, President Trump said: “I told the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, that I disagree strongly with his decision to open certain facilities.” Meanwhile Trump’s AG says he’s willing

Sen. Loeffler Responds to Attacks by Rep. Collins

From a press release: Today, the Georgians for Kelly Loeffler campaign responded to recent attacks by Doug Collins about Senator Loeffler’s steadfast work to assist Georgians impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. As outlined in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Doug Collins and his campaign are attacking Senator Loeffler for launching a new COVID-19 resource website, delivering

Reopen, but Don’t Forget

First there was this … Despite the growing threats of COVID -19 the Georgia Legislative session continued with “proper precautions.”  Then there was this … Sick Senators. And… That were hospitalized. Despite the precautions several Georgia Senators became ill, were diagnosed with COVID 19, and hospitalized.  Luckily they all had the great state provided health

Morning Reads for Tuesday, April 21

The news from Smyrna this morning is heartbreaking, and I hope you will keep Smyrna and the family of our fallen officer in your prayers. On this morning’s edition of Political Rewind, one of the Governor’s spokespeople said that there’s a “cost/benefit analysis” that was considered in Kemp’s decision to start reopening the state. I’m

Rep. Doug Collins Calls for Preservation of Local Media

A press release from Rep. Doug Collins’ office: Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) joined several of his colleagues in sending a letter to President Donald J. Trump urging the Administration to direct federal government advertising funds to local news and media outlets to ensure local media can continue to inform our communities in the midst of COVID-19 and after