Category: Politics

Williams campaign serves as warning to others

This week’s Courier Herald column: Former State Senator Michael Williams, a Forsyth County Republican, apologized last week for his 2018 gubernatorial campaign.  In a detailed Facebook post, Williams seemed to characterize his recent guilty plea for filing a false police report just before the Republican primary as a campaign strategy mistake. “Let me be clear.

Scooter Ban Misses Opportunity for Actual Improvement

Let me start by pointing out that quick decisions after an emotional rarely, if ever, lead to good outcomes. And let’s be honest, a non-insubstantial amount of my our scooter outrage is good-ole-fashioned crotchetiness. Weird how this one particular comment just automatically came hyperlinked in my post. We should take this time to think more

Morning Reads for Friday, August 9, 2019

At least it’s a start. Yes, there are rules. ESPN wasting a perfectly good Saturday. Who wouldn’t love to go to THIS GAME? A hotel for houseplants. Please stop trying to save Matt Damon.  Pay attention! Nope. We don’t do that. Nope. Nothing to see here.  It’s dusty in here.

Remembering Emma Hinesley

Emma Hinesley has passed away. A stalwart in may Georgia Republican organizations, she was a past President of the Georgia Federation of Republican Women among her many other titles and organizational affiliations. I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Emma in the 90’s, when I was part of the Fayette County GOP. She lived in

Morning Reads – Thursday, August 8, 2019

Did you know it’s been 120 years since the refrigerator was patented by A.T. Marshall? If you didn’t, you’ve already learned something new. If you did, keep reading. Peaches “Medicaid expansion won’t heal Georgia’s ailing hospitals.” How a criminal investigation in Georgia set an ominous tone for African-American voters. Georgia has among highest hospital prices.

Georgia Democrats Think House Majority Within Reach. The Senate….

About an hour ago, Fair Fight, Stacey Abrams’ post-campaign organization announced it was forming a dedicated legislative victory fund with the Democratic Party of Georgia. That’s the big-picture news. The real news is Georgia Democrats are optimistic about their chances to retake the House of Representatives. Twice the statement mentioned “an effort to capture the

“Pride, Ego, and Bad Advice”

Former gubernatorial candidate Michael Williams, who finished last in the 2018 GOP primary, wrote this morning that he regrets his campaign and that he was guided by “pride, ego, and bad advice.” In May, Williams pled guilty to fraud charges that stemmed from a bizarre campaign theft allegation, and was sentenced to probation. From his

Why We Care About Hair

It may be time for the Dekalb School Board or the Georgia Legislature to tighten the reigns on the freedom of their schools to create rules.  The freedom given to a Dekalb County elementary school,  Narvie J. Harris Theme School, has caused a problem at the start of this school year.   During this year’s