Category: Politics

Morning Reads for Friday, July 19, 2019

We all know why Senoia is the safest city in Georgia now. It’s all those zombies. Yes, it is the world’s biggest clown car. Rep. Doug Collins is this week’s voice in the wilderness. “What political speech should be allowed” are chilling words. If that stuff is in a spreadsheet, then it’s all over. Go

SOS: Election Assistance Commission Disproves Claims Of Voter Suppression

The following is a press release from the Secretary of State’s office. (ATLANTA) – The United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) recently released its Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS) Report for the 2018 elections. The EAVS report is the comprehensive, biennial national survey required by federal law that collects election data from all 50

Ginny Ehrhart To GRTL: It’s Not Me, It’s You

With “friends” like Georgia Right To Life, who needs enemies? Georgia Right to Life is a relic of the pro-life movement. Having long since purified itself into irrelevance, and having had its charter revoked from National Right to Life for being part of the problem rather than being part of the solution, the group is

Senator Johnny Isakson Hospitalized For Fractured Ribs

We received word from US Senator Johnny Isakson’s office that the Senator has been hospitalized for fractured ribs after suffering a fall. “Senator Isakson was admitted to George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday night after falling in his apartment and suffering four fractured ribs. He is in pain, but resting and doing

Morning Reads – Wednesday, July 17, 2019

So… all things must have names… The full moon that happened last night was called a Full Buck Moon. And, don’t forget… Mercury is still in retrograde until the 31st. Secretary Sonny was out touring facilities in San Diego County. Redox and ATDC have partnered up to help health IT start-ups. Former HD161 candidate Adam

Morning Reads for Tuesday, July 16

Good morning! I was supposed to be in New Orleans this week. I am not in New Orleans. I do not miss the humidity, but I do miss the people, and the food, and all the rest of it (well, I do not miss the potholes). The sentiment, “If you don’t like it here, leave”

Remembering DeKalb’s Jim McMahan

I say this with love in my heart: there are a small number of people I can blame for drawing me into politics and public policy in DeKalb, for convincing me that it would be worth it. We lost one of them today. Jim McMahan, a former school board member, died in a boating accident

Republicans Shouldn’t Lose Focus On Local Races

Are Republicans hyper-focused on national level politics that we are ignoring our county races? Just taking a casual look at my Facebook feed, I see Georgia Republican activists seemingly more focused on Congressional, US Senate, and Presidential races more so than the local level races. We lost GA-06 and barely won GA-07 in 2018. That