Category: Politics

Morning Reads for Monday, June 10, 2019

Happy Monday! Interesting point of view on the trade war. The latest on the College Admissions scandal. She is beauty, she is grace…it’s Miss Georgia Week! A “less disruptive” Siri sounds awesome. I am literally never asking her for help. Why hasn’t Governor Kemp made a decision on the new Insurance Insurance Commissioner? Some thoughts

Unterman Responds to DCCC’s Comments

GA Senator Renee Unterman has issued the following remarks in response to the DCCC’s criticisms of her candidacy: “If there were any question I’m the Republican that the liberals are scared to face, this answers it. I hope they keep it coming. I want voters in Gwinnett and Forsyth counties to know I’m the conservative

DCCC Issues Statement on Unterman in GA-7

Avery Jaffe, spokesman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), issued the following statement into State Senator Renee Unterman’s congressional campaign in GA-7: “The GOP primaries in Georgia are a mess, and it’s no surprise that another candidate is jumping head-first into the GA-07 clown car. Renee Unterman’s long career in politics shows that she’s

Morning Reads for Friday June 7, 2019

Ernie Pyle & D-Day. Currahee! “Somewhere above you among the living weak princes and fat bureaucrats and rank traitors mumble platitudes and empty praises about actions they never knew and men they cannot hope to emulate.” Ouch! The Army of Dennises fails gloriously. Pass the popcorn! Your next business trip should be interesting. The danger

Renee Unterman Makes It Official: She’s In For GA-07

There was plenty of speculation about Senator Renee Unterman (R-Buford) running for Georgia’s 7th Congressional Seat to replace current Congressman Rob Woodall. Tonight, she made it official. Senator Unterman joins seven other Republicans in a bid to succeed Congressman Woodall and hold the seat for Republicans. Interestingly enough, she’s the only current elected official who

Rural Broadband Mapping

Currently providers of fixed broadband are required to provide a list of all census blocks where fixed broadband service is currently available. Under this system, providers can report a census block as “served” or report updated speeds in an entire block when, only one specific location has access to broadband service or updated speeds. This