Category: Politics

The Heartbeat goes on

On May 7th when Governor Kemp signed HB481 the abortion debate intensified despite the legislation not going into effect until January 1, 2020. Demonstrations and movie studios re-evaluating their Georgia investments continue to dominate the news cycle. This morning the House Judiciary Committee opened a hearing entitled “Threats to Reproductive Rights in America”. Ranking member

Biden, Buttegieg, Booker and Beto (Oh, My!) Spending the Week in Georgia

From Wednesday to Thursday our lives will be improved as four Democratic Presidential hopefuls deign to grace us with their presence. Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Corey Booker, Mayor Pete Buttegieg and former congressman Beto O’Rourke will be in Atlanta for a series of fundraisers and Thursday’s African American Leadership Summit and IWillVote Gala. Really

Opposition to Financial Services Appropriations Bill

14th District Congressman Tom Graves opposed the Fiscal Year 2020 spending bill. As the Republican Leader of Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government, Graves specifically opposed the bill increasing spending over last year’s amount by 8 percent, or $1.8 billion. Congressman Graves voiced his concerns as follows: The total level of discretionary spending

Disaster aid clears House

On Monday the House finally approved the disaster aid package that had been blocked on three different occasions in the last few days. The disaster relief package provides $3 billion in critical disaster relief funding for farmers recovering from Hurricane Michael. This legislation passed the U.S. Senate last month and is headed to the President’s

Morning Reads for Tuesday, June 4

Good morning! Studios including Disney, Netflix, WarnerMedia, Viacom, Sony, AMC, and NBCUniversal will likely rethink their relationship with Georgia should HB 481 go into effect. The Orly crash that indelibly changed Atlanta’s arts landscape happened 57 years ago, yesterday. A new Georgia law should mean fewer abandoned and derelict mobile homes. Meet Atlanta’s American Ninja

Morning Reads for Friday, May 31, 2019

Made in Georgia. Yes! The Candler Building gets a new life. You know as long as the tax break money keeps flowing, nobody’s going anywhere. Just WOW. Wasn’t there an X-Files about this? Of course they cheated.  Look closely.  This is my shocked face. College kids are too busy protesting these days to bother. Pass

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Fights “Voter Purge” Narrative With Address Change Notices

We received a presser earlier from Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger of his efforts to fight an inaccurate narrative on purging voters from the voter rolls by sending out address change notices to voters who have updated their address through the US Postal Service: In the coming days, county registrars will begin sending notices to

Las Vegas Shooting Conspiracist Running in GA-6

Marjorie Taylor Greene announced her candidacy for Congress as a Republican for Congress from GA-6 earlier today. Greene is known by some for her comments made in October, 2017 about the Las Vegas shooting in September of that same year. In a video posted to Facebook on the American Truth Seekers page, she raised doubts