Category: Presidential Politics

Senator Perdue Unlikely to Have a Role in the Trump Administration

Earlier this morning, Charlie wrote a post speculating on how Georgians might play a part in a new Trump administration. One of the people he mentioned was Senator David Perdue, who was one of President-elect Trump’s earliest supporters and who met with Trump to plot how the businessman could appropriate Perdue’s outsider strategy in his


America has a very new, very different president today. Donald J Trump, businessman, entrepreneur, entertainer and most importantly, not a politician will become the 45th president on January 20th. Back in February I was asked to write a post in favor of Trump because I was basically the only person available who was willing to

Clinton Inc.

A number of major media outlets have finally gotten past hearsay accusations of sexual misconduct against Donald Trump to explore the many ‘ethically deficient’ (phrase used by HRC apologist and Princeton prof Eddie Glaude on Morning Joe today) activities in Clinton World. It seems most emanate from a company called Teneo formed by Clinton loyalists Doug Band and

Priorities USA SuperPAC Will Spend $2 Million on Ads Supporting Hillary Clinton

Democratic SuperPAC Priorities USA will be spending $2 million on advertising in the Peach State on behalf of Hillary Clinton in the runup to the November election. According to a story by Mother Jones, the group chose a commercial called “Our Daughter Grace,” which includes video of Donald Trump mocking the disability of a New

Sen. Perdue Endorses Donald Trump ‘s Proposal for Term Limits

Within days of taking office in 2015, Senator David Perdue fulfilled a campaign promise, and co-sponsored a bill limiting the number of terms a congressman could serve in Washington. It fit his image as a political outsider. On Tuesday, another political outsider, Donald Trump, also called for term limits. Donald Trump’s Washington is shaping up