Category: Presidential Politics

Mayor Reed, Coke CEO Made Initial Hillary Veepstakes

Two of the 39 people under initial consideration for Hillary’s VP nomination came from Atlanta. Mayor Kasim Reed and Coca-Cola head honcho Muhtar Kent were suggested to Hillary Clinton from campaign chair John Podesta, the AJC reports having sifted through the WikiLeaks dump of Podesta’s hacked email account. Podesta lumped them in as the “first cut

Georgia Association of College Republicans Distances Itself From Trump

The Georgia Association of College Republicans officially distanced itself from Donald Trump’s candidacy Monday afternoon. In a statement released Monday afternoon, the organization’s General Assembly wrote, “Donald Trump, throughout his presidential campaign and beforehand, has made several comments and statements that have offended women, veterans, Gold Star families, the disabled, political refugees, and religious and ethnic

Evan McMullin Speaking In Atlanta Tonight

Independent Presidential Candidate Evan McMullin is speaking at the African American Value Voters Summit in Atlanta this evening. McMullin is polling well in Utah and attracted surprising crowds in Idaho over the weekend for organizing events. He’s not on the ballot in Georgia, but has qualified as a certified write-in candidate. Interested in hearing from

Supporting Donald Trump, Jack Kingston Tweets Infowars

Former Savannah congressman and U.S. Senate candidate Jack Kingston has become one of presidential candidate Donald Trump’s most vocal surrogates. He regularly appears on cable TV news shows in support of Trump’s candidacy, including Friday night, when he appeared on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, attempting to defend Trump’s remarks as locker room talk: This morning,

Abrams: Trump Is Trying to Intimidate Voters

In the wake of reports that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made improper sexual advances towards as many as eight women, the candidate has amplified his concerns that the November election could be stolen, giving Democrat Hillary Clinton an undeserved victory. The possibility of voter fraud was first brought up by Trump in August, when

New Poll Shows Trump and Isakson Leading in Georgia

Landmark Communications just released new Georgia polling that shows Republican Donald Trump leading Democrat Hillary Clinton by 5.5 percentage points, and Republican Johnny Isakson leading Democrat Jim Barksdale by 13.6 points. The poll was taken Tuesday and Wednesday using 1,400 likely Georgia voters. The margin of error is 2.7% IN the presidential race, Trump had