Category: Presidential Politics

Jody Hice Questions Hillary Clinton Aide About Private Email Server

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee took up the issue of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server on Tuesday. Committee member Georgia 10th District Congressman Jody Hice was ready with questions. Unfortunately, Bryan Pagliano, a former State Department computer specialist, failed to show up, and Paul Combetta and Bill Thornton, Platte

Hillary buys air time in Georgia, take a look:

Georgia Democrats have been clamoring that Georgia needs to be considered among North Carolina and Virginia as states worthy of investment. After polls showing that she is running close here, Hillary Clinton may have been convinced. The campaign is running the following ad showing veterans and Gold Star parents watching Donald Trump’s remarks. Georgia has

Hillary Clinton’s Success in Georgia Could Depend On Her Appeal to Millennial Blacks

Newspaper stories about how Georgia might could possibly be in play for the Democrats this election year are seemingly a dime a dozen, as pundits weigh the unpopularity of Donald Trump against an increasing percentage of minority voters in the Peach State that typically vote for Democrats. Typical of the genre is this story from

Senator Perdue Speculates on the Priorities of a Trump Presidency, and How They Would Affect the Federal Budget

When the U.S. Senate reconvenes after Labor Day, there will be three weeks remaining before the start of the 2017 fiscal year on October 1st. Because Congress has only passed three of the dozen spending bills required to fund the government, Georgia Senator David Perdue, who sits on the Senate Budget Committee, predicts there will

Ashley Bell refutes racism charges

Amid a firestorm of allegations attempting to paint Donald Trump as a ‘racist’, the GOP nominee has big plans for a completely new tactic in Republican politics. According to Ashley Bell, national director of African-American outreach for the Republican National Committee, Trump will be holding events in predominantly black areas beginning next month. As Bell

Democrats, Manuel’s Tavern, and Bill Clinton: This Ain’t a Drill

Manuel’s Tavern is more than a bar. It’s where Ralph McGill unwound after a full day of giving the Civil Rights Movement a fair shake. Gene Patterson undoubtedly discussed his famed column, A Flower for the Graves, with his fellow stool dwellers amidst the cherry paneled corridors. The sainted adherents of Dr. Martin Luther King