Category: Presidential Politics

In Support of John Kasich

Editor’s Note: In anticipation of Georgia’s presidential primary on Tuesday, GeorgiaPol will publish a series of essays in support of some of the leading presidential candidates. This essay is from Kasich supporter Stephen Plunk. You don’t have to look very hard to see how polarized political culture has become. Spend any time on social media

In Support of Donald Trump

Editor’s Note: In anticipation of Georgia’s presidential primary on Tuesday, GeorgiaPol will publish a series of essays in support of some of the leading presidential candidates. This essay is from Trump supporter Bart Brannon. This presidential campaign began early as they seem to do these days with a crowded field of 17 hopefuls attempting to

In Support of Marco Rubio

Editor’s Note: In anticipation of Georgia’s presidential primary on Tuesday, GeorgiaPol will publish a series of essays in support of some of the leading presidential candidates. This essay is from Rubio supporter Buzz Brockway. I grew up reading National Review magazine and its founder William F, Buckley, Jr. He, along with my father, helped instill

In Support of Ted Cruz

Editor’s Note: In anticipation of Georgia’s presidential primary on Tuesday, GeorgiaPol will publish a series of essays in support of some of the leading presidential candidates. This essay is from Cruz supporter Scott Johnson. Why Ted Cruz…. Simply put, Ted Cruz is willing to stand on his principles and because of that, I think is

Marco Rubio Picks Up Additional Georgia Endorsements

Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign picked up several more endorsement today, including several from legislators who previously supported Governor Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign. The new endorsements include Public Service Commissioner Chuck Eaton, House Speaker Pro Tempore Jan Jones (R-Milton), State Senator Jeff Mullis (R-Chickamauga), State Senator Brandon Beach (R-Alpharetta), State Representative David Casas (R-Lilburn), State Representative

John Kasich Adds to Georgia Leadership Team

The John Kasich presidential campaign added several new members to its leadership team, including the chairman of the House Rules Committee. The new members include: State Rep. David Knight of Griffin State Rep. John Meadows of Calhoun State Rep. John Deffenbaugh of Lookout Mountain Fulton County Commissioner Lee Morris Sandy Springs Mayor Pro Tempore Tippy

WGST GeorgiaPol Radio – It’s Only The Beginning Edition

It’s Friday! Thursday, and you get GeorgiaPol Radio.  Yes, GeorgiaPol Radio on a Thursday.  No, we didn’t get the FBI to hack into Charlie’s phone and change the date to make him think today’s Friday.  The Sully Show will be remote out in Smyrna tomorrow, so we’re bumping GeorgiaPol Radio up a day for your listening pleasure.