Category: Presidential Politics

McMaster adds another Georgia Tie to Trump Administration

Yesterday, Lt. General H.R. McMaster was tapped to serve as National Security advisor by President Trump. McMaster served as Commanding General at Ft. Benning from June 2012 to July 2014. The then two star general received his third star and took his current post with Training and Doctrine Command. And, while Trump supporters are raving

Trump Nominates Gorsuch For SCOTUS; GA Senators Respond

President Trump has nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the vacancy left by Antonin Scalia on the United States Supreme Court. Georgia’s Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue released the following statements on the nomination: Senator Isaskon: “I have consistently said that the next Supreme Court justice should be someone who understands and values the

Former Governor Sonny Perdue Tapped For Ag Secretary

We are getting word this evening that former Governor Sonny Perdue has been tapped by President-elect Donald Trump to be the next Agriculture Secretary. Breaking: Donald Trump taps Sonny Perdue as his agriculture chief — AJC (@ajc) January 19, 2017 This will make the second Georgian who will have a cabinet-level position inside

New Year, New Resolve

This week’s Courier Herald column: As our new year begins in Georgia, political optimism for many is fueled by the fact that a state governed by Republicans now has a White House and Congress controlled by Republicans. Well, optimism for many Republicans anyway. More than a few Democrats are still somewhere between pretending 2016 was

Perdue Back Atop Agriculture Secretary Depth Chart

Politico reports that former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue is the leading candidate to become Donald Trump’s Secretary of Agriculture. BREAKING IN PLAYBOOK — FORMER GEORGIA GOV. SONNY PERDUE is the leading candidate to be tapped as Donald Trump’s secretary of agriculture. Perdue has won statewide office twice, theoretically making his confirmation easier. Agriculture and veterans