Category: Presidential Politics

AG Carr Urges Withdrawl of EPA’s Waters Of The US Rule

From a press release: ATLANTA, GA –Attorney General Chris Carr has joined a bipartisan group of twenty-five state attorneys general urging President-elect Donald Trump to rescind the “Clean Water Rule: Definition of Waters of the United States” (WOTUS Rule)—which was promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Tom Price, Stock Investments, And Some Needed Perspective

Apparently the clutching of pearls has been added as a Festivus holiday activity. The Wall Street Journal published a story last night noting that Congressman Tom Price, now President Elect Trump’s pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services, owned and/or traded $300,000 of stock in medical related companies.  The AJC has dutifully followed up

AG Carr Adds Georgia To 24 State Coalition Against President Obama’s “Clean Power Plan”.

Per press release: ATLANTA, GA – Yesterday, Attorney General Chris Carr joined a 24-state coalition urging President-elect Donald Trump and congressional leaders to withdraw President Obama’s so-called Clean Power Plan and take the necessary steps to ensure similar or more extreme proposals never again take shape. The bipartisan letter – addressed Wednesday to Vice President-elect

Isakson Issues Statement On Nomination Of Rex Tillerson

Johnny Isakson has issued the following statement on the nomination of Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil, to be U.S. Secretary of State: “Mr. Tillerson has an impressive background with unique experience and extensive knowledge of working in a global environment. I congratulate Mr. Tillerson on his nomination, and I look forward to meeting with him

Real Cost of Attempts to De-legitimize Trump

President-elect Donald Trump (a phrase that still doesn’t feel quite possible) has faced a series of attacks from disappointed Democrats and their fellow travelers in the media since his election. First it was a series of meaningless reminders that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, making her the President of California. Then there were attacks

Woodall Expresses Cautious Support for Trump’s Proposed Infrastructure Spending Package

One of the key proposals from President-Elect Trump is a $1 trillion investment that would be used to repair the country’s infrastructure, and ultimately to boost the economy and add jobs. But, as Politico reports, Trump’s plan looks a lot like the stimulus proposed and implemented by President Obama early in his presidency. That concerns

In Emory’s Sanctuary Campus Debate, One Administrator Compares Reaction to Trump’s Election to What He Saw After 9/11

Last week, We told you about a letter sent to administrators at Decatur’s Emory University asking that the university be turned into a “sanctuary campus” for undocumented students who were admitted to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program set up by President Obama. Those signing the petition were concerned that President-Elect Trump would terminate