Category: Republicans

Rep. Buddy Carter’s Tax Reform Tour

Congressman Buddy Carter conducted a tax reform tour last week with constituents across the 1st District of Georgia to discuss the benefits of federal tax reform, which was recently passed in Congress and signed into law. He had 15 events across the district with high school students, college students, small businesses, large businesses, chambers, and

Speaker David Ralston Attends Infrastructure Announcement

Georgia House Speaker David Ralston attended President Donald Trump’s announcement yesterday on his commitment to infrastructure improvements across America. As Charlie touches on in his column yesterday, Georgia is positioned to benefit from the President’s focus on state-centered infrastructure solutions. President Trump’s budget is a practice of federalism where states are responsible for creating their

Republican Primary Challenger Presents Fundraising Opportunity For Speaker David Ralston

FetchYourNews has an article about yet another Republican challenger to Georgia House Speaker David Ralston.  Speaker Ralston, you may remember, handily defeated Sam Snider in 2014 by a 30-point margin and again in 2016 by a larger 32-point margin. Margaret Willliamson intends to challenge the Speaker in the 2018 primary election.  In a statement, she

Washington Post Columnist: Lying Sen. Perdue Should Resign

I mean….I’m not sure what you’d expect when a clown gets in bed with a buffoon… Jennifer Rubin writes: There is no honor among anti-immigrant advocates and liars, I suppose. After dutifully lying on behalf of the president regarding his abhorrent language (“****hole countries”), Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) were outed by

Few Republicans Circle The Wagons On Trump’s Alleged Colorful Commentary

Did President Donald Trump use colorful language to call or allude that some Caribbean, Central American, and African nations are undesirable places to live and posed the question on why we should let more of them in?  There are conflicting stories.  Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Durbin lays out the controversial comments to the Chicago Tribune. 

AJC: Trump Georgia Disapproval at 58.7%

Today’s poll from The AJC is, candidly, a bit hard to believe.  If the data is to be believed 58.7% of Georgians disapprove of President Trump and only 36.7% approve. Could there be essentially a 13-point swing since the all-important November 8, 2016 approval poll? Possibly. The numbers almost mirror national results. President Trump does create

Still No Adjournment Resolution in the Senate–and Possible Ramifications

We know the Senate will work through Thursday and that’s when they hope to pass an adjournment resolution. The House has their protocol in order with the first 10 days scheduled. If the Senate doesn’t pass a resolution on Thursday each calendar day counts toward the 40 (but I could be wrong on that). Things