Category: Republicans

It’s the Republican fight over…everything. 

This week’s Courier Herald column: At least we’re fighting.  It’s all we seem to know how to do these days. The fights of each party take on different tones and use different weapons.  Today’s focus is the fighting nature of Georgia “conservatives”.  Air quotes are used because the word seems to have as many meanings

Remembering Life And Political Lessons From Bob Dole

This week’s Courier Herald column: In the quiet early hours of Sunday December 5th, former Senator Bob Dole passed away in his sleep.  It’s quite the contrast from the morning of April 14th, 1945, when then Second Lieutenant Dole remained critically wounded on a mountainside in northern Italy for ten hours before being rescued. Dole

David Perdue’s Ego Looks Backwards While Georgia Moves Forward

Former Senator David Perdue apparently talked himself into challenging Governor Brian Kemp in next year’s Republican gubernatorial primary. He quickly earned former President Donald Trump’s enthusiastic support and another interesting lap dog: former Ambassador Randy Evans. Ambassador Evans quickly took to social media bemoaning the harsh critique of Senator Perdue’s ego trip by Governor Kemp