Category: Republicans

Grassroots or the Will of the People?

This weekend Governor Nathan Deal will be vilified because he has ignored the grassroots and gone against the will of the people. Which lead me to wonder how can a sitting Governor that garnered more that 1.3 million votes in his last two elections be so bad? How can a the Governor who led his

A Group Thanks Governor Deal for His Veto of HB 757

Attendees to this weekend’s Georgia Republican convention will see a large banner in the convention hall thanking Governor Nathan Deal for vetoing House Bill 757, the religious liberty bill. The banner is the work of Georgia Republicans for the future, a group of Georgia Republicans that opposes discrimination. In a statement, the group’s founder, Allen

The Art of Warfare: Mass Email Edition

If you’re a delegate or alternate to the Georgia Republican Party Convention tomorrow in Disgusta Augusta, you’re probably rolling your eyes at the amount of useless emails regarding the National Committeewoman election. Well, folks, we got a show with some fireworks yesterday. As all petty, useless, egotistical, shameful, deplorable, and idiotic Georgia Republican Party drama

Senators Ask Justice Department to Stop Investigating Those Opposing Climate Change

Republicans were upset to learn that the Internal Revenue Service was allegedly delaying the approval of tax exempt status for conservative organizations filed before the 2012 elections, leading to calls for the impeachment of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Last week, several members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, including Georgia’s David Perdue, sent a letter to

Northwest Georgia Post-Election Synopsis By The #RINOEstablishment

Being a district chairman, that automatically makes me a member of the #RINOEstablishment, so I might as well claim the title and say that I was generally happy with the results of our Georgia Republican primary.  We avoided conspiracy and cupcakes in the US Senate race, and I’m glad to see three of Georgia’s most