Category: Republicans

Breaking Down The Religious Freedom Bill – Not Many Things Change

As anyone following the spinning wheel of protest known as the #GAPol hashtag knows, there is a “Religious Freedom” bill sitting on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature.  …or veto. There has been a lot of hype and a lot of misdirection on this bill.  Many still argue it wasn’t needed in the first place.

#GAGOP County Convention Weekend!

It’s 10a (ok, a few minutes after) which means Republicans across the great state of Georgia are now convened in their respective county conventions with the purposes of spending a spending a spring Saturday morning inside a building to elect delegates and alternates to their district and state conventions…and maybe a resolution or 20. What’s

GeorgiaPol Radio – Episode 10 for March 18, 2016: Coming Down The Home Stretch

The Georgia General Assembly will be winding down their 2016 session this coming week, but it’s been an…interesting week.  Charlie Harper, Jon Richards, and Stefan Turkheimer get together on the 1st hour of the Sully Show and Rich “Sully” Sullivan let’s them loose with the microphones.  This week, they cover a few items including the

Judging Paul Broun By His Fruits: Part 2

Last week, we started peeling back the layers of the self-propelled myth that Paul Broun is in politics because he is in selfless pursuit of a constitutional nation.  We’re using Matthew 7 to Judge career politician Broun on the fruits his political career has harvested. Thus far, the bushel basket contains the fact that he

Aaron Barlow Sends Mailer To Cherokee Residents To Make Case Against Fulton/DeKalb MARTA Bill

Aaron Barlow, Republican primary challenger in Senate District 21, doesn’t like Senator Brandon Beach’s (R-SD-21) MARTA bill that affects Fulton and DeKalb Counties, but he has decided to take his fight against the Beach’s bill to Republican voters in Cherokee County and is apparently sending out mailers to Republican voters in Cherokee County against Senator

GeorgiaPol Radio – Episode 9 For March 11, 2016: #TMOT, Tractors, Bald Eagle, Crazies, and UPS Mailboxes

Qualifying ended Friday at noon, and there were a few gems who qualified including: Derrick ‘TMOT’ Grayson for US Senate – Republican Mary Kay Bacallao for US Senate – Republican (you might remember her from the ‘14 State School Super race) Allan Levine for GA-14 – Republican (guy who qualifies for Congress in multiple states,