First of all, congratulations to Georgia’s new junior US Senator Kelly Loeffler. Second of all, congratulations to Governor Brian Kemp for joining the #RINO club. Don’t worry, Mr. Governor, you’re in fine company. The cries of how Governor Kemp’s appointment of an alleged “#RINO” has ramped up before Thanksgiving. Him appointing an alleged #RINO makes
We received a press release from the Republican Attorneys General Association highlighting the achievement of a clean sweep for Republican Attorneys General in their respective races in 2019. It also highlights that Georgia’s own Attorney General Chris Carr will play a role as Vice Chairman of the RAGA in leading the organization into growing the
This week’s Courier Herald column: Condolences to David Shafer. The Georgia Republican Party held its biennial convention for the election of state officers last weekend in Savannah. Shafer, the former candidate for Lieutenant Governor and President Pro Tempore of the Georgia Senate prior to that, takes the helm of the party’s grassroots structure in advance
Georgia House Speaker David Ralston gave remarks at the annual Fannin County GOP Valentine’s Day dinner this past Saturday evening. In those remarks, he talked about the successes of the Republican Party, but he also gave folks a reminder of what’s coming in 2020. It’s a frank discussion, but it’s encouraging. We, Republicans, have a
For all y’all who many not be accustom to the organizational proceedings of the Georgia Republican Party, yesterday was the first step in the process of the 2019 GAGOP convention cycle where counties with over 80,000 in population conducted precinct mass meetings across our state. It’s the first time I’ve actually lived in an over-80,000
Current GAGOP 2nd Vice Chair Debbie McCord announced earlier that she was not seeking reelection, so that leaves an open seat going into the 2019 Georgia Republican Convention cycle. With about a week away until the over-80,000 county precinct mass meetings, two gentlemen have toss their proverbial hats into the ring: former Georgia YR Chairman
What will it take for Senator David Perdue to be reelected? Not being a Trump-like candidate in a fast-trending Democratic state says Brian Robinson. As part of his weekly appearance on WABE’s “Political Breakfast”, Robinson said last Friday the then-ongoing shutdown would give Senator Perdue the opportunity to present himself in a new light to
The current legislative session is barely a week old and qualifying is over a year away, but why not go ahead and feed the perpetual campaign monster? Senator Brandon Beach (R-Alpharetta) decided to be the first one to declare his intent to become the next Representative from Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District in an interview this
It’s almost that time once again when the Georgia Republican Party enters into a convention cycle to elect officers, adopt rules for the current term, and “for other purposes”. We’ve been through a few long (sometimes very long) state conventions where quorum was lost and remaining business had to be carried on by the state
This week’s Courier Herald column: A new era has begun in Atlanta for all of Georgia. Monday officially brought us a new Governor, Brian Kemp. The Georgia General Assembly also has many fresh faces as the legislature begins their annual meeting. Chief among them is the new Lieutenant Governor, Geoff Duncan, who will guide the