Category: Technology

Senator Johnny Isakson Signs Bipartisan Letter To Fight For Rural Broadband

US Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) signed on to a bipartisan letter to the Federal Communications Commission urging them to modernize the Universal Service Fund (USF).  Currently, USF is tied to customers subscribing to landlines, a service that slowly going extinct as more people “cut the cord”.  The letter sent to Chairman Ajit Pai and Commissioners

State-Owned Cyberwarfare Facility To Be Announced In State Of The State

Georgia is already home to the US Army’s Cyber Command Center which is aimed to centralize the Army’s cyber operations, training, and education.  It is expected that Governor Nathan Deal will reveal plans of a state-owned cyberwarfare facility in today’s State of the State address. From the AJC: The governor’s office said the center will

New Year, New Resolve

This week’s Courier Herald column: As our new year begins in Georgia, political optimism for many is fueled by the fact that a state governed by Republicans now has a White House and Congress controlled by Republicans. Well, optimism for many Republicans anyway. More than a few Democrats are still somewhere between pretending 2016 was

When Does Legitimate Investigation And Questioning Become A Political Football?

I like Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, and I think he’s right for asking pointed questions to the Department of Homeland Security with regards to recent hacking allegedly done by DHS, but at what point does it become more about taking a last swipe at the outgoing administration for political points more than the

After Attempted Network Breach, SoS Brian Kemp Wants Answers from US Homeland Security

After detecting an attempted breach of the firewall protecting the Georgia Secretary of State’s internal network that came from an Internet address belonging to the US Department of Homeland Security, Secretary of State Brian Kemp today sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson demanding an explanation. The network contains the Peach State’s voter

How Will Governments Handle Autonomous Cars?

Autonomous (self-driving or driverless) cars are still in their infancy.  Autonomous car designs are different from traditional human-driven cars and may lack both a steering wheel and pedals, so laws and regulations on the state and federal level may not be conducive to the testing of these cars on public roads.  Public road testing is

Breaking The Internet: Welcome To The New Normal

Parts of the Internet “broke” last Friday morning.  No, not because Kim Kardashian showed her rear end again.  The break was due to a large distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) on a large domain name server (DNS) provider. *man in the back row raises his hand* “What? I don’t understand your technical mumbo jumbo