Category: Technology

Broadband Access For Rural Georgians In Spotlight

This week’s Courier Herald Column: Broadband has become a tool that is part of everyday life. Well, for most of us. The ability to access quality high speed internet connectivity is driving change in commerce, social interaction, medicine, and entertainment. Many Georgians are on the cutting edge of the latest technology with the highest speeds.

Make your voice heard

The Georgia General Assembly’s Joint High-Speed Broadband Communications Access for all Georgians Study Committee is currently conducting regional meetings to gather input on improving broadband service across the state but especially in rural areas. While everyone cannot attend these hearings, there is an opportunity for everyone to be heard. The committee along with the UGA Carl

Don’t Be Too Worried About A Conspiracy To Hack The Vote

We’ve written for the past couple of weeks about Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s tepid attitude towards federal intervention of election administration all in the name of cyber-security.  Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been making remarks about the “rigged system” that will steal this election from him for a while now, and I know

Appellate Court Squashes FCC Municipal Broadband Ruling

The US Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals said the Federal Communications Commission did not have the authority to override state laws that prevent municipalities from providing broadband Internet access.  Georgia isn’t necessarily affected by this ruling with a bill that would have prevented municipalities from offering broadband access failing passage during the 2013 legislative session.

Secretary Kemp Launches New App And Texting Services

Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s office announced a new app and a new voter registration service. The app, which is available for free on iPhone and Android, allows users to check their voter page, use business search, register businesses, and search the Certificate of Existence database. Perhaps most intriguing is the new voter registration service. Georgians can initiate

Consumers lose again in D.C. Circuit Court

Today, the D.C. Circuit Court upheld the Federal Communications Commission’s plan to regulate Internet Service Providers. Reaction from Georgia’s 9th District Congressman Doug Collins was swift and to the point. “Today’s Circuit Court ruling is a blow to internet freedom, and Congressional authority. Federal agencies should not be allowed to rewrite the law to suit

Representatives Named to Committees on Clean Fuel Vehicles, Rural Internet Access, and the Music Industry

Speaker Ralston has been busy this summer. Tuesday he named members to three more study committees. Here they are. The Joint Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Study Committee will consist of five representatives and five senators. Its stated purpose is: To study how providing market incentives for installation of refueling infrastructure for alternative fuel vehicles would serve